demonia: | amalee fights on behalf of the light

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| amalee fights on behalf of the light. for more than a year when the demon belial first gave her demonic magic, amalee had no idea what it was. however after dio took her to the safe haven, the house of flies, she learned that her magic was a type of witchcraft known as elevation. amalee's witchcraft abilities not only give her the gift of telekinesis, but also let's her participate in 'normal' witch rituals such as spell casting and even necromancy like isaac. however, belial requires sacrifices or burnt offerings from his worshippers, including those humans who he gave powers to. though it is against amalee's chosen path to acknowledge the demonic source of her power, she knows that belial will kill her if she ignores him, as he has threatened to before.

| amalee's love triangle is a tale as old as time. she met dio first, and she knows that is the main reason she fell for him. had she met arrun first, things would have been different. dio saved her from her terrible life and showed her how to use her hellish magic. and she accepted his help only to find out that he was an advocate for hell. he would be claimed for darkness, and so would she if she continued that path. amalee would have gone bad if arrun had not showed her the truth behind dio. she owes her life to him and would do anything for her guardian wolf. though a part of her knows she will always have dio in her heart.

| amalee's love is indescribable. she does not pay close attention to looks, but instead she craves someone to give her the love she always wanted but never had. endless devotion, intimate touches, whispers of affection all call to her. she's a gentle soul and can't ignore her basic needs.

patron demon of goetia: | the sixty-eighth spirit, belial

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patron demon of goetia:
| the sixty-eighth spirit, belial. belial is a king, the highest rank of a goetia demon, along with bael. he was the demon who was created directly after lucifer, giving them a tough rivalry. he governs fifty legions of spirits and is quite ruthless with them. he requires gifts, offerings, and sacrifices from those he rules or helps, including amalee, as he has a 'divine power' that must be repaid.

❝...a mighty and a powerful king, he appeareth in the form of two beautiful angels sitting in a chariot of fire. he is found in the forme of an exorcist in the bonds of spirits. he fell first from among the worthier sort, that were before michael and other heavenly angels.❞

— the lesser key of solomon

faceclaim:| deepika padukone

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| deepika padukone

❝stand by him❞ — ghost

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