house of flies

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i . w a t c h e d . y o u . c h a n g e
☽  †  ☾

within this universe, all characters are both monster & human. all humans have the potential to become something else; they just need the right drive.

in cases of great emotional trauma afflicted upon unfortunate humans, they are "blessed" by demons with supernatural abilities. only the poorest of souls who have gone through the darkest of shadows have become close enough to demons to actually share their abilities.

each character has a patron demon, one of the 72 demons of ars geotia. goetia or goëtia is a very real practice that includes the conjuration of demons, specifically the ones summoned by the biblical figure, king solomon, from his grimoire.

it is exactly this link that lures most maggots — as they have come to call themselves — to the darkness, and that eventually drives them to cross over to hell forever. however some maggots, like amalee, believe they can change their fate and break the bond between them and their literal demon.

the house of flies is a semi-secret home for these afflicted humans, both with good and bad intentions, created by the one mysterious man named mr. taves.

the wicked wiccan

AMALEEthe wicked wiccan

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the moonlit beast

ARRUNthe moonlit beast

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the distressed vampire

DIOthe distressed vampire

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