Chapter One

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Chapter One

*Levy's POV*

"Run, Levy!" Jet shouted as he sprinted towards our attacker.

"Speed Magic: Second Gear!"

He jumped and kicked towards the shadow with astonishing speed, but he wasn't quick enough. All the air whooshed out of his lungs no doubt the club which had sprung from the shadows had shattered his ribs.


The seeds burst forth from the ground, and sped futilely towards our opponent.

The red eyes gleamed with humor.

"Sword of the Iron Dragon!"

Droy's plants fell in tangled heaps on the ground.



A sword flashed and Droy fell, cuts lacerating his body.

"L-Levy," he coughed up blood "run."

The light left his eyes as I obeyed his wish. Sprinting for all I was worth, I rounded the corner into Magnolia's South Gate Park.

A shadow landed in front of me.

"Gihihi! Where'd you think you could run, Fairy Trash?" He grabbed my throat, making me choke and struggle for breath. I grabbed his hand, trying to claw it off.

"I'm gonna have some fun with you Shorty. Gihihi!" He threw me to the ground. "Iron Dragon's Roar!"

I screamed...

And screamed...

And screamed...

I jolted awake. Panting and sweaty I ran to my bathroom and preceded to up-chuck the contents of my stomach.

After it passed, I grabbed the edge of the sink and lifted myself off the floor. Looking into the mirror, I lifted up the him of my shirt to check my stomach. Nothing was there. I sighed.



Down went my door.

Erza charged in in full Heaven's Wheel mode. She looked slightly shocked (and a bit disappointed) at the absence of an intruder. She re-quipped back into her standard armor, and came to my side.

"Nightmares again?"


She sighed and rested a hand on my shoulder. "You, ok?" Genuine concern laced her irises.

"I'm fine, Erza. I don't want to start a fuss." I brushed her hand off my shoulder "I beat these nightmares before and I'll beat them again."

"Are you sure?"

"Why do you keep asking that? I'm fine!" I snapped.

"You're nakama, Levy. We protect our nakama."

"I don't need protecting from some stupid nightmares." I countered

She looked at me with a stubborn hardness in her eyes.

"If it makes you feel better I'll talk to Polyshuka-san in the morning. She'll have a elixir to ward off the nightmares."

She grunted in approval and began her exit out the gaping hole that used to be my door.

You should be glad it was only Erza that came to check on you. You must have been screaming awfully loud to wake her up.

"I know that Brain."

You should get over those dreams. Gajeel's been a part of Fairy Tail for several months now, you might as well get used to him.

"I know that."

Well why don't you act on it?

"Brain, would you just-"


"Huh?!" I jumped, spinning around to face a young bluenette.

"Oh, you scared me Wendy."

"I'm sorry." she replied, sniffling "I'll leave."

"No, no! You just caught me at a bad time is all." I reassured "Come in!"

Wendy stepped through the crater eying my shelves full of books.

I cleared off a seat on the couch and motioned for her to sit. She did so gratefully, for she looked almost dead on her feet.

"What are you doing up so early Wendy? It's..." I looked over at my bedside clock "three in the morning."

She rubbed her eyes. "I heard someone scream." She yawned. "So I got up, and went to investigate."

"Would you like some tea?" I asked

"I don't want to impose." She said

"Nonsense!" I replied "It's only tea!"

I stood and went into my little nook of a kitchen. When I returned, Wendy was fast asleep.

I smiled and picked her up off the couch. Being ever so gentle, I laid her down on my bed and covered her with the blankets. She snuggled under, humming with pleasure as she did so.

She was the only person in the guild I could treat like this. Be the protector and not the protected. It was a nice change of pace, and it kind of felt natural somehow.

I stretched, took my cup of tea to the couch, and curled up with a good book figuring I wouldn't have gone to sleep anyway.

AN: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Protecting the Protector as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'd love to hear your thoughts and predictions. I'll try to update every other week and earlier if possible.

Thanks for Reading,


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