Blog 29# Matchmaker make me a perfect match

Start from the beginning

10) Respectful

R-E-S-P-E-C-T is the solid foundation of a relationship, if you don't respect yourself as a person then respecting others is hard and often they will find it hard to respect you. You need respect or else the relationship will not work, and I the partner doesn't respect you the way you should be respected will treat you differently and like dictation and control it is not okay. If you for example don't' respect your body, they will take advantage of your body because you don't care. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.

11) Sense of humour

You want someone who isn't droopy enough not to laugh at a joke, please guys humour is a great quality but remember there is a difference between making a funny joke and unintentionally insulting someone subtly. Be aware because if they do this to you, they are gonna have to pack their bags because it is never funny to insult someone. Yes if it happens and it was an accident and a one off then yes that's okay, but I meaning every single time. You want someone who you can play pranks on, play like children, and make each other smile with the jokes, not someone who will get hurt or will hurt you if they make a joke about your traits.

12) Romantic

ROMANCE....yuc-I mean yas. Every relationship needs a little dash of romance to make the overall relationship complete, do something nice for your partner, take them out on a date, buy them flowers, do something sickly cute for them. Also give them some physical attention, a compliment, a hug, even accomplish the whole Notebook goal and kiss in the rain who knows...romance is a must for any relationship

13) Understanding

Nobody is perfect, everyone needs to have understanding that you or your partner isn't perfect. If they had a bad day and they want some space, be understanding and give them that space. Be what we call 'empathetic', be able to put yourself in their shows and understand if they have any needs or wants from you, or even see where they are coming from when you guys have any serious discussions.

14) Honest

I have always believed that HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY! You should never ever keep anything from your partner that could ultimately affect your relationship. You should be able to open up to them and be honest to them about how you feel. If you want to make an opinion go for it, be honest rather then sugar coat the truth. Any partner should respect your honesty and 9/10 times it helps with the relationship. However if you are going to be honest with your partner, try and be gentle about it, don't say it straight out and be rude about it. Be able to say 'hey this wasn't cool, but I appreciate your effort in trying' or something on those hopefully understand what I mean.

15) Self abled

INDEPENDENCE is a must!!! You will not be there slave throughout the duration of the relationship. Everyone must put their two bits into the relationship. If you can find someone who will wash or dry the dishes, can do their own laundry, can cook or help fix things around the house, even mowing the lawn you must put a ring on it. They are the best kind of people, because it shows that they are independent and capable of taking care of themselves which is always a must.

16) Positive but able to allow bad days

You don't want to be around someone that is always in a depressing mood often like Donkey from the Winnie the Pooh franchise. Yes not everyone is perfect some like myself do suffer from depression but you need to be positive, normally when you find that someone you sometimes find that your mood will increase when you are around them. It's always fun to be around someone who has a lot of positivity but at the same time it's okay to have those bad days. If anything those bad days will really make you see how really wonderful your partner is, when they can accept and love you no differently on the bad days and it's the same vice versa, those who will stick by you on the bad days are the ones who are worth being with.

17) Not too clingy

You guys like any other couple enjoy your time together, but it's also okay to have time apart and do your own thing. The ones who are often classified as 'too clingy' are the ones who call, text, email, snapchat, Facebook and hang around you every single day, of every single hour. Now don't get me wrong it's not too bad, but it does get worse when all you want to do is take a toilet break and you forget your phone, and then your partner texts and when they realise that you haven't texted back in less than 30 secs they then think you are cheating on them or seeing someone else. Guys you need your own breathing space and it's important to do your own thing...also absence makes the heart grow fonder.

18) Mature

This one does not need a lot of explanation, in fact, it's obvious. Yes it's nice to have someone you can muck around with or has a childish sense, but also it is important that they have that maturity to handle life and relationship problems...let's get on it people. Maturity also really helps in seeing as to whether the relationship should go full speed ahead or not, there is a balance between childish and mature and it is important that they have both and can balance both in the relationship.

And here we are, these are at least 18 qualities that you want to look or at least strive to find in your future partners. Remember there are millions of fish in the sea, if you know an inner quality that makes a perfect partner than comment below and let's get down to business! If you liked this blog then please hit the vote button below and feel free to check out my other blogs on this book and if you want to be the first one to receive notifications for future blog updates or want to read more of my work then please press my icon and hit the 'follow' button on my page, I am one follower away from 50 so let's make this happen. Also if you want to follow my twitter account then type in your at symbol and Jessigirl_105...promise you no regrets!

Bye ! xxx

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