Mary Who?

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Nina's POV...
"Rory. Neens. We have exciting news.",My mom says and Sookie smiles.
"Your going to Chilton!!!",Sookie Says and my mom smiles brightly at us.
"You got in Babes.",She says and Rory and I hug eachother tightly and we smile.
*The next day*
"Rory! You just can't go!",Lane says and I roll my eyes dramatically at her.
"Lane. I'm here too you know.",I say and she rolls her eyes towards me and I flinch.
"I know. I'll miss you too!!",She she says and I mutter "Bitch" under my breath and I walk away from them quickly.
I walk into Luke's Diner and i sit down with tears in my eyes as I look outside.
"Neens? You alright?",Luke asks coming up beside me filling up a cup of coffee.
"No. I'm not alright. My life sucks.",I say and a tear slips down my cheek quickly.
"Your life doesn't suck. It just seems that way right now.",He says and I smile.
"In this town it does. No one likes me,even though im more of a saint than Rory will ever be,and my attitude is the best,and I ALWAYS PARTICIPATE IN EVERY, SINGLE,FESTIVAL!!!",I say and scream the last part and tears stream down my face and I get up,running outside,into a figure.
"I'm so sorry.",I say looking up and I see a cute ,tall,brown headed guy.
"Your alright.",He says and I giggle.
"I'm Nina,but everyone calls me Neens.",I say and he smiles and I smile back.
"Dean.",He says with a small smile.
"Nice to meet you Dean.",I say and I walk away with a smile plastered on my face.
***The very next day****
"Mom. I can't be late on the first day!",I say and she smiles softly as we exit the house and get into her car.
*during English*
"Psst. Mary.",Someone says and I roll my eyes turning around in my seat quickly.
"What?!",I ask in a whispered yell.
"I just wanted to say,I'm Tristan.",He he says and I smirk softly at him.
"Great. Oh and If you think I'm Mary. You've got the wrong sister buddy.",I say and he raises his eyebrows at me.
"Miss. Gilmore? Anything interesting to share with the rest of us? Mr. Dugray?",Mr. Madina asks and I smile softly.
"Tristan is being a rather large distraction. Mr. Madina.",I say and Tristan chuckles softly and I flip my hair.
"Mr. Dugray. I'll need to speak to you and Miss. Gilmore after class.",He says and my jaw drops open as the bell rings.
Everyone leaves and I stay in my dear silently as Tristan Taps my shoulder.
"Hey. What's your actual Name?",He asks and I smile at him softly.
"You see Tristan. That is Earned,not given.",I whisper as Mr.Madina walks over to us with a questionable glance.
"How was Mr.Dugray distracting you Miss. Gilmore? ",He asks and I smile.
"He asked me for a pen,and wouldn't quit asking. That's all.",I say and Tristan smiles softly at me and I smile back.
"Well. You seem to get along well. I'm placing you two in a group for the next project that I'm introducing tomorrow.i will see you tomorrow.",He says and Tristan takes my hand and drags me out.
"Wow!! That was amazing!!",He  says and I rip my hands away from his.
"Yeah. It was,but dont expect me to get you out of everything Tristan.",I say and he pushes me against a locker and I gulp.
"You. Me. Dinner.",He says and I smirk.
"You. Me. Dinner. Tomorrow. I have dinner with my grandparents tonight.",I say and he smiles softly and lets me go.
***Later that night******
"Hi mom!",My mom says as we enter My Grandparents house and I smile softly.
"Hi Grandma.",I say as she hugs me and then Rory with a wide,bright smile.
"Nina! Rory! Good,come on to the living room then.",She says and I roll my eyes softly at her enthusiasm.
If it wasn't for her,I wouldn't be in Chilton,but it's because of her I dont have a date with Tristan Tonight. Bleh.
"So Nina. How's Your school life? Meet anyone interesting yet?",She asks sipping her drink and I cough softly.
"I met A few People. ",I say and she smiles,just as Grandpa walks in.
"I just got a call from my old friend. He told me you were offered a dinner with Tristan Dugray tonight. I'm very surprised Nina.",He says and I bite my lip and I look at Rory.
She gets up and runs outside and I stand up,walking off towards where she walked.
"RORY PLEASE!",I yell and she turns around anger spread through her face.
"WHAT NINA?!",She asks whilst yelling.
"I promise I was going to tell you. He just cornered me,and I couldn't say no.",I say and she slaps me,harshly across my face.
"HE'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU NINA! HE'S A BAD PERSON.",She yells and tears start stteaming down my face and I sniffle.
"No one is Rory. I'm Toxic. So I'll ask Grandma and grandpa if I can move into moms old room. So you can always have the life you wanted without your Toxic sister,who apparently to you,is a whore and can't make her own decisions.",I say and I walk inside,slamming the front door.
"Mom. I love you,but I'm staying here until I'm done with Chilton. Rory decided this on her own. She doesn't want me.",I say and her jaw drops open at my words.
"No. We're working this out.",She says.
"Oh alright.",I say and we go to eat dinner.
***At Home the next day*****
"Neens. It's Rory. Open up please.",Rory says through my door and I roll my eyes and turn up my music higher.
"Neens. Please. At least Eat Something.",She says and I let out a frustrated yell and I rip open the door.
I rip the plate out of her hands and slam the door behind me and I see my phone going off and I smile softly at it.
I answer it with a cute smile.
"Hello?",I ask and I hear a laugh.
"Hey Gilmore. Can I pick you up at seven?",Tristans voice asks and I giggle.
"Mm Sevens perfect.",I say and he sighs.
"I totally thought you'd say no.",He says and I laugh softly at his words.
"Me? Say no to a perfectly good date?",I ask and he lets out a soft chuckle and Rory bursts through the door quickly.
"See you at Seven Bye.",I say and quickly hangup as Rory reaches my bed.
"What Rory?",i ask and she sits beside me with her 'I'm sorry face' I roll my eyes.
"It's gonna take more than just the eyes Rory. I'm a big girl. I can make my own decisions. I'm not having sex with him. If that's what your worried about.",I say and she lets out a sigh of relief and I roll my eyes at her,like how is she gonna think I'm having sex with him when we just met?
"Look. I'll make it up to you." She says and I roll my eyes and smirk.
"I've gotta get ready. Go get me moms Little Black Dress with her strappy heels.",I say and she rolls her eyes before leaving.
She returns and hands me the outfit and I shoo her out of the room for me to change.
I exit the room with my hair parted in to Braids and my outfit perfect to the 'T'
The door bell rings and I run to open it.
"Tristan! Hey! Uh come on in.",I say and he enters with a small smile on his face.
I walk back to my room,and apply the last of my makeup and I walk back out with my clutch in hand. He smiles and hugs me.
"We should get going.",I say and I drag Tristan out of the house and to his car.
****After Dinner*****
"Your quite the guy Mr.Dugray",I say and he chuckles as we look up at the night sky.
"Your quite the girl Miss.Gilmore.",He he says and I run my fingers through his hair.
"There's just been something I've been wanting to do since my eyes met yours in English yesterday.",I whisper leaning closer into him,before crashing my lips into his.
I pull away Breathless and he smiles.
"I get that compliment a lot actually.",He says and I roll my eyes softly.
"And I get compliments saying I look like Megan Fox,but I don't get sarcastic about it.",I say and he chuckles softly at me.
"Can we do this again?",He asks and I nod before getting into his car.
      My life just got better.

Confessions of a Gilmore Girl~~Tristan Dugray Where stories live. Discover now