The Family of Blood

Start from the beginning

"I'm seriously wishing he wore the bloody necklace now." Rita groaned.

"What are you doing?" Martha asked in protest.

"Maybe one man can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together. Take arms! Take arms!"

"You can't do that!" Martha shouted at him.

"You want me to fight, don't you?" He asked. Rita shook her head knowing that he would only continue and was scared enough as it was. "Take arms! Take arms!"

Hutchinson then ran down the stairs. "I say, sir, what's the matter?"

"Enemy at the door, Hutchinson. Enemy at the door. Take arms!" He shouted.

John then ran into an area as the boys passed out guns and started to fill them with ammunition. "You can't do this, Doctor. Mister Smith!" She shouted.

"Matron, maintain position over the stable yard. Faster now. That's it."

"John let me handle this." Rita protested.

"Absolutely not." He shook his head. "You will not be going near them. 'Still protective as ever even as a bloody human.'

"They're just boys." Martha protested again. "You can't ask them to fight. They don't stand a chance."

"They're cadets, Miss Jones. They are trained to defend the King and all his citizens and properties."

"Oh great," Rita muttered as the headmaster stormed in.

"What in thunder's name is this? Before I devise an excellent and endless series of punishments for each and every one of you, could someone explain very simply and immediately exactly what is going on?" He shouted causing all of the boys to freeze in what they were doing.

"Headmaster, I have to report the school is under attack." He informed stepping forward.

"Really? Is that so? Perhaps you and I should have a word in private." He suggested with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

John shook his head at the headmaster. "No, I promise you, sir. I was in the village with Miss Stone. It's Baines, sir. Jeremy Baines and Mister Clark from Oakham Farm. They've gone mad, sir. They've got guns. They've already murdered people in the village. I saw it happen."

"Miss Stone, is that so?"

"Guns they do have but not ones we can fight." She shivered slightly.

"Murder on our own soil?" He questioned.

"I saw it. Yes." She nodded.

"Perhaps you did well then, Mister Smith. What makes you thing the danger's coming here?"

"Well, sir, they said-" he was then cut off by Matron.

"Baines threatened Mister Smith, sir. Said he'd follow him. We don't know why." Matron cut in.

"Very well." He nodded then looked at the boys in the room. "You boys, remain on guard. Mister Snell, telephone for the police. Mister Philips, with me. We shall investigate."

Remembering the Forgotten [2] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now