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The constellations of stars up in the horizon known for their celestial superiority in the entirety of universe too reflected a puzzled tinge tonight.

The night that was relatively colder than other in the lovely town of Cardiff in United Kingdom.From what was only a tranquil night that possessed the aura of hopes for a beautiful sunshine and productive day for the next morning that was to dawn in less than four hours, the celestial beings were only too calm before the unwarranted jolt suddenly hit them without a forewarning.

The colossal expanse of the limitless skyline and the vast land underneath it looked startled as a black Mercedes made its way through the empty roads of Elton Street, the driver wrecking havoc with his reckless speed on the tranquility that the universe boasted of only moments ago...


Can we blame them after all?

Every ounce of hurt, dejection, guilt, or loss, was always going to be artistically manifested on objects around them.

Sometimes it had to be people and sometimes it had to be things.

For this gentleman tonight, it was his expensive Mercedes that had to bear the brunt of his cauldron of emotions, inexplicable surge of indescribable feelings.

The uncountable shots of tequila hadn't helped.

Devoting all his attention into work hadn't helped.

The loud music bursting the speakers in his car wasn't helping.

Nothing was helping him outrun this feeling.

As the creases on his forehead only grew deeper with each passing minute, he kept changing the gears of his car, pressing the accelerator further...

And to that the celestial beings could only wonder and wish , if this reckless speed tonight is that gentleman's thrill, then good gracious god, don't let any soul walk this road today, because this loony man may end up unknowingly making his first kill..

As the speed only kept his head bubble further with thoughts, all he could remember was her.

Her face.

Her tears.

Her smile.

Her voice.

Her gestures.

Her clothes.

Her words.

Her everything.


The name once again brought flashes of everything that he didn't want to recollect. Never ever again.

But how could you be human if you had your mind and heart in sync?

He never knew a separation could affect him so much!

Heck, a self made man like him who had this intimidating yet magnetic personality for the whole world put together could never ever ponder aimlessly over something as trivial as this.But alas! Today was simply not his day.

As he continued to wander cluelessly reaching and unreaching a plethora of conjectures in his head, he drove aimlessly having no clear picture of a destination to reach like a conventional person would have.

And such was the magnitude of his aimlessness that in that frenzied zone of thoughts, he completely overlooked the figure running from the opposite direction and before he knew it, he had ruthlessly oscillated his steering wheel to prevent a collision, and that resulted in his car coming to a screeching halt....

ArShi FF: The SINNER [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now