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Sydney: Hmm, still no comments dang.

Anaiyah:( look of evil on her face)

Sydney: Oh no! (runs like crazy out of the lair as she reads the dare)

Morrissa: Someone grab her!

Kennedy tries but misses and Sydney runs out of the lair, who is followed by Raph.

Chynna: O.O ummm Anaiyah what happened?

Anaiyah: heh heh well appearently some people want se se to tell them about what happened in the woods that time she went"camping"

Le girls smile darkly and laugh

Le turtles look confuzeled

Sydney: Let me go now!

Raph: sure ( drops on hard floor)

Sydney:(glares) no way am i answering that question!

Egypt: yes, yes you are now why don't you tell them what happened in those woods and why

Sydney:(sighs) fine but if you laugh i will kill you slowly and painfully got it!

Le EVERYONE except splinter nod

Sydney: okay so we were all camping because I kind of forced the others to help me... find slender man and... get his autograph

Raph: wait what!

Sydney: okay , okay so they decided to stay home but I went to these creepy woods and stayed and when i went to go in the woods i thought i saw him and i ran screaming like an idiot slendy give me your auto... and it turns out it was a really tall guy in a suit at a funeral.

Everyone: (laughs like cray-cray)

Sydney: oh now you are all in big trouble ( everyone pales and runs)

Sydney: comment your questions below please! COME BACK HERE (runs off)

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