"You really shouldn't have. It was gorgeous on you."

"Ben, just please leave me alone." He tried to grab your waist and you pushed him away. This was the last straw. "Ben! What is your problem?"

You looked out of the store window and saw no one else but Chuck. He looked at you and saw the uncomfortable look on your face. He entered the store behind Ben.

"How about you leave Miss Archibald alone. Amber, who is this guy?"

"I'm her boyfriend."

"Ex. Hell, Ben. You were never even my boyfriend. We just hooked up."

"Like I said, why don't you walk along." Chuck's chest puffed up as he poked Ben's chest.

"Okay, fine. We'll have to catch up later," he said as he left. As soon as he was out of your sight you sighed.

"You hooked up with him?"

"He was there for me through a hard time. He was also kind of sweet while we were together. We were friends and then one day he kind of stayed overnight."

"You're losing your innocence fast." He shook his head.

"Oh, Chuck. I haven't changed that much. Besides, nothing too big happened."

Your phone rang. Carter did say he would call you back, and he wasn't lying.

"Hey." Your heart pumped faster at the sound of his voice. "You want to meet up?"

"I'm with Chuck right now. He was helping me hose down an old flame."

"Bring him with you." You were confused. Didn't Carter and Chuck hate each other?

"You sure?" You cupped your hand over the speaker. "You okay with coming to meet Carter?" 

Chuck seemed to warm up to the idea as soon as you said it. "Why not?"

You put your hand back by your side. "Carter? Where are we meeting?"

"Our usual spot?"

"Be there in five," you said, then hung up the phone. On your walk over, you told Chuck about Miami. You finally reached your usual spot, a certain bench where you and Carter always met up. He was sitting there alone, watching cars go by. When he saw you, he smiled and stood up.


"Hey. Sorry I'm kind of stressed out right now. I just ran into my ex from Miami," you said. Carter looked confused.

"Who, that Ben guy? I thought he still lived in Miami." Carter started getting defensive.

"Believe me, I thought so too." You gently kissed him. "Look, Carter. I really care about you. But I've been going through hell lately because of this. My brother will barely talk to me and nobody trusts me anymore." He took your hand in concern. 

"Amber, sometimes you have to realize that if you spend your whole life trying to impress others, you won't end up being happy with your life."

"It's not about impressing people, it's about them trusting me."

"Maybe you just need to not care about what other people think and just do what your heart tells you." You paused for a second. What he had just told you, it just got to you in a way that it really shouldn't have. After a split second of you just staring at him in admiration, you couldn't keep yourself away from him. You immediately went right up and kissed him. His left hand was on your neck and his right hand was on your waist, gripping it tightly. You broke off the kiss and smiled at each other.

"I think I should go," said Chuck. You had completely forgot he was there. "Unless something is really going to happen between you two."

"Chuck, you're such a perv."

"I guess I'll see you around," he said as he walked away. You turned back towards Carter.

"My parents are going to be away for most of the summer. Maybe you could come with me to the Baizen summer house in he Hamptons?"

"I'll be going with my own family to the Hamptons. Maybe we can meet up?"

"Sounds great." You gently kissed him again.

"You were right. I just need to do what I want and not care what others think. Gossip Girl can write whatever she wants about me, I'm not just going to not be with you because of that." He grabbed your hand.

Listen up, Upper East Siders. Little A and Baizen are still together and making summer plans. This could get bad real fast.

Spotted: A certain little devil by the name of Georgina Sparks is back. Rumor has it she has a brand new target: Little Miss Archibald. Only time can tell what she's up to this time.


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