Chapter 7: Fallen Convent

Start from the beginning

A woman who appeared to be in her mid-thirties stepped into the terminal; piercing grey eyes assessed the clergymen and as she stepped towards them her features were being processed by one unassuming Cardinal. This was most certainly Katherine, it would take a puerile brain not to sense the power that exuded from her. Dahlia took in the strong and prominent jaw line and cheekbones, the fair skin and the shoulder-length blonde hair. The woman was almost handsome, but quite beautiful in her own right. 

Her intricate armor was a lovely tint of red-gold, she was strapped with a rather lengthy but, rather plain looking sword and a positively archaic-looking pistol. As a whole, the woman was quite impressive in Dahlia's mind. In the blink of an eye every inch of the woman was committed to memory, stored away for future use. Moving to the front of the greeting party the Cardinal was the first to greet her, aged hand extended, "Mother Superior, welcome to Byzantium. I trust your journey was not too taxing?"

Katherine knelt and kissed the Cardinal's signet ring, "Your Eminence, It was a quick journey. The Navigators of the Inquisition are very skilled at their craft." She rose again with her eyes roaming to take in the immediate surroundings, "I was not expecting an official welcome. I didn't think my visit to our Commandery here warranted such attention." 

A kind gaze followed the actions of the Cannoness, as she brushed her lips over the ring Dahlia watched from inside with a morbid sense of fascination that would never be shown. Glancing back over the white skulls the thought slithered below the radar, Like Hell you didn't… With a polite incline of the head, a gentle and low voice passed through thin lips, "Mother Superior." As Katherine looked over the welcoming party the Cardinal gave her a warm smile. "Perhaps you have underestimated the situation. However, such things should not be discussed in spaceports…too many prying eyes and burning ears."

The Canoness regarded the Cardinal carefully for a moment, her eyes locking on his, "I wasn't aware there was a 'situation' to be underestimated. This was intended as a routine visit..." She glanced over her shoulder as her five Celestians and five Seraphim walked across the tarmac toward them. An Immolator tracked armored personnel carrier rolled off the Inquisition vessel, gleaming crimson, white, and gold in the midday sun.

Katherine turned back to the Cardinal, "If you wish to speak in private, your Eminence, then you may join me in my vehicle. We're heading for the convent, and we can speak freely there."

Under Katherine's cautious gaze the Cardinal simply stared into her eyes, a gentle but neutral look overtaking his features. In actuality, there had been no information of the current situation on Byzantium in any of the information given to her back at the Temple, and so the subject was put to rest for the moment. "Thank you, Mother Superior." Antipus's head inclined as the offer to accompany the Cannoness was accepted and the respective parties proceeded to the Immolator. Perhaps some light would be shed upon the presence of the Grey Knights. 

Katherine turned as the Immolator, crimson and white with trim in gold, stopped on the tarmac. One of her Celestians opened the side door for her, but before the stepped in, something caught her eye. She paused and straightened, peering out over the expanse of the starport. It was another ship of the Inquisition, gleaming black in the sun. She held out her hand, "Dinah, magnocs."

The Sister Superior of her Celestians handed her the vision-enhancing magnoculars while Eve, the Sister Superior of her Seraphim approached, "What is it, Canoness?"

"Another Inquisition ship," Katherine replied, raising the magnoculars to her eyes. "An escort." She scanned around the ship, finding an Adeptus Arbites Repressor standing station nearby. "Definitely an Inquisitor, with two Stormtroopers and a Crusader. I don't recognize her. She's talking to an Arbitrator."

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