"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were my friend." I said quickly. The door next to us opened and a girl who looked a little younger stepped out.

"Ricky, what do you think?" she asked. She had Pink sweatpants on with a Pink wind breaker.

"It looks good I guess." the boy replied with a shrug. He looked unamused and bored being here.

"You're no help, whatsoever." she groaned and stomped back into her dressing room.

I did the same, my cheeks still red from the previous experience. I quickly changed back into my clothes and headed out on a search for Penny.

I found her sitting on a bench outside the store after I paid for the bra. "Fucking bitch!" I screamed.

She looked up and smiled. "Nice to see you too, babe."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her phone out of her pale hands. "You embarrassed me!" I spat.

"How?" she laughed. "Cause I wasn't in there to embarrass you. You embarrassed yourself."

"I asked a boy to clasp my bra, thinking it was you! You said you'd wait there!" I whined.

"You know me, Ms. Penny Promise Breaker." she smiled cheekily. "Besides, it's not like you'll see that boy again." Penny pointed out.

"I guess you're right. Come on, let's go to your house." I said as we walked out of the crowed mall.

Penny and I walked in on Hunter, her younger brother, roughly making out with an unfamiliar boy.

"Ugh, Hunter, why can't you do that in your room?" Penny groaned as she grabbed an apple from the basket.

Hunter and the boy got up quickly, dusting themselves off. "See ya later, Josh." Hunter but his lip as the boy with ashy blonde hair walked out the front door.

"He's not even a good kisser." Hunter rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch. "He won't see me tomorrow."

I raised an eyebrow at the sophomore and shook my head. "How have you made out with more boys than me?" I asked.

"Well, I have good looks." Hunter pointed out.

"What are you implying?" I asked, cracking my knuckles. "Am I not good looking."

"No." he said quickly. "But hey, I'm better looking then Penny over there." he smirked and gestured towards his sister.

"Shut the hell up, noob." Penelope replied. "Come on, El, let's go to my room."

I followed her to her dark gray room that was filled with posters of Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At the Disco, Lana Del Ray and Melanie Martinez.

"Is Chase sick? He wasn't at school today." Penny asked. Of course she would notice that my "good looking" twin wasn't at school. She's had a huge crush on him since kindergarten.

"Yes, he's sick. Sick of you following him around all the time." I answered and sat crisscross applesauce on her bed.

"Oh, he loves me, Eloise." Penny grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh that's totally why he's dating Ruby Douglas." I said while chipping off my gel nail polish.

"She'll be gone soon." Penny smiled evilly. "Very soon." My eyes widened at her comment.

After about an hour of blabbing about nonsense, I decided it was time for me to get going.

"Aw, is lovable Grandma Scott waiting for you?" Penny cooed. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her.

"Oh definitely. She has cookies baked for Chase and I too." I said, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Good luck." Penny laughed. "Tell Chase I want to suck him dry." she finished.

"Oh god." I muttered as I exited her grungy room. "Bye Hunt." I smiled as I entered the living room.

"By, Eloise." he waved. I got in my car and drove off to my grandmas building. As I entered, my older brother ran up and gasped.

"Thank god you're here. She's throwing things." he breathed and shook my shoulders.

"Great." I sighed. Meet our grandma, Marie Wooders. She took us in after our parents died in a fatal car accident.

She's not exactly a people person so she's not good with us or her employees.

She runs her own business, which is quite successful, so she's always screaming.

"This is not how I wanted it!" Grandma Scott screamed and threw a vase across her office, shattering it.

"Oh shit!" I yelled. "Grandma, what are you doing? What's wrong?" I asked frantically.

"Mr. Blake doesn't know how to make a correct diagram! He's impossible to work with!" she pointed her finger at Blake.

"It was an accident." he said. "I swear."

"Too bad, you're fired!" she screamed. His face dropped and I immediately felt bad. "Jenny, get security to escort him out!"

Jenny Roader, my grandmas assistant. Her blue eyes made Chase swoon and her smile made him melt.

"I'll go with her!" Chase yelled excitedly. I grabbed his arm and shook my head.

"You're not going anywhere." I smiled. He pouted and crossed his arms. "Grandma, you need to stop throwing things."

"Shut up, child. You're nothing but a loser." she replied and sat down in her chair. I ignored her rude comment and picked up the papers that were scattered.

"Whatever." Chase mumbled while picking up the pieces of shattered glass.

"Dinner is served." Chase announced as him and I sat at the extra long dining table in our grandmas dining room.

He set down a Hot Pocket and smiled proudly. "Why do girls swoon over you?" I asked.

"Oh quiet." he stuck his tongue at me. "Grandma Scott's food is all healthy and shit." he rolled his eyes.

"Ah, so your solution his croissants with cheese?" I raised an eyebrow. He nodded happily and took a bite.

"Delicious, isn't it?" he asked with a mouth full of ham and cheese. I rolled my eyes and ate my "dinner".

After, I went upstairs to change into my pjs. I sighed in relief as I plopped down on my soft bed.

My eyes starting getting droopy but then they quickly shot open. I scrambled out of bed and ran to Chases room.

"What do you want?" he asked while laying in his bed that was covered in shirts, boxers and old food.

"Penny said she wants to suck you dry." I smirked. His eyes widened and he shuddered in fear. "Goodnight." I smiled and blew a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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