Chapter 1, Volterra

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Back with a new chapter, finally made it to Wattpad again! I missed writing SO much! Hope you guys missed me a bit too :*

Chapter 1, Volterra

I stood in front of the window of my room. My room was the only space I had which was mine. Where I was somewhat free of the torture that are the Volturi. I had stood in front of the window for so long, I was surprised that every time I looked out of it, I saw something new. It had been winter when I came here, but there was no snow gracing the rooftops of the houses of Volterra. No, everything was alive and warm. There were people on the streets, selling their ware and children playing in the huge fountain on the piazza. I could only see the fountain if I pressed my nose against the glass in the top right corner. Though Volterra was warm and alive, I felt the complete opposite. I was weak from all the pain that being parted from my family brought and I was cold like the icy walls of the castle. But there was a time spark inside me. It had been there since the day I left Juneau. It was hope. Hope that I could be strong enough to somehow destroy the Volturi or flee from this hellhole.

The Volturi had been kind to me at first, making it seem like it was necesarry that I had left my family and that it was 'the right thing to do'. It didn't feel like it was the right thing to do. The worst part was that I couldn't think of my family, because Edward and Alice would be able to read my thoughts and plans. And even though it was excruciating, it was that thought that kept me strong. Because if I thought of them, I knew that they would immediately leave for Volterra and rip down the castle walls to come and get me. I bit my lower lip to surpress a smile.

Though after a while, the Volturi had gotten fed up with me. I wouldn't tell them about my family and I wouldn't call them Master like they asked. They had punished me for it, as in Aro's words it was to 'discipline me'. I snorted at the thought. I would never ever betray the Cullen family. I caught myself just before I thought of their faces.

Thoughts of arriving in Volterra filled my mind. The cold marble floor, Aro's red eyes trying to pierce into my soul. He had tried to read my mind, but failed of course. I wasn't, however, immune to Jane or Alec. Or any of the other's powers. It was a mystery to Aro and a mystery to me. But I knew that thinking of something else than a crisp white sheet of paper, would let Aro in. But when Jane tried to set me on fire in my mind, let's just say it worked. Probably because she sought eyecontact and I couldn't look away from her. She hurt me. She hurt so bad that sometimes I couldn't get up from the floor.

The only thing that saved my sanity was the scraps of paper that I filled with my words. I filled the white sheet with letters that made sentences that I wrote to my family. I wrote as often as I could. Which was often since I had no purpose to the Volturi besides trying to get my family to come to Volterra. I'd write down how I missed them, what I wanted to do to the Volturi. I had only just finished another letter when Felix appeared in front of me. He didn't really like me, but luckily he didn't hurt me as often as some members of the Guard did. I sighed and got up from the window seat.

"Good girl." He said, while I grabbed the black cloak which I had dumped unceremoniously on the floor after their last torture session. I knew what was coming. Aro would try to get me to call my family. The black cloak was uncomfortable around my shoulders. Felix grabbed my upper arm roughly and guided me down the tower and then through the maze of underground passages until we reached a fairly simply decorated door. I knew this door and seeing it made me fill with dread. I saw Felix tense from beside me. I knew someone must be approaching and before I knew it, I heard voices from behind.

"This is an intresting part! I can't wait to see the view from up here!" I winced. Felix pressed me up against the wall, almost as if he was shielding me from the crowd of people. To my surprise, I heard voices from inside the room.

"Soon they won't be here anymore." Caius.

"Brother, are you sure there is no other way?" Aro?

"You are too fond of them!" Marcus.

"Why kill a friend? I see no point." Aro again.

"Aro, it was your plan to begin with! Steal the girl and kill them. Now finish it! You despise them!" Felix was moving away from me, but I remained against the door.

"Alright then." Aro gave in. Their words slowly made my way into my brain and I had to bite my cheek not to scream. I knew who this was about. This was about me. Not just about me, but also about my family. I tried to back up, but I just bumped into Felix' chest. His stony hand formed around my upper arm and almost crushed the bone. I yelped out. The door opened and behind it stood three 'men'. Aro was the one who'd opened the door, Caius was standing on the left side of the room looking over his shoulder with a hateful glare and Marcus was sitting in an ancient armchair, staring into space. Aro smiled a half smile.

"Evenlyn, dear, how nice of you to join us." I clenched my hands into fists and stared right back at him. Fight, Evenlyn, fight. I didn't break my gaze as he moved forward. He raised his hand as a sign and Felix obediently let go of my arm. He shoved me forward and I almost tripped but managed to steady myself before I could fall at Aro's feet. My non bruised arm rubbed the spot where Felix had held me.

"Aro." I said, my voice cracking. He was the one to look away first as he took my hand in his and closed his eyes. I instantly thought of a crisp white sheet of paper. I closed my eyes as well to focus. He continued to try and get into my mind for at least a minute before he huffed in defeat and let go. I slumped back, blinking rapidly to regain my strength.

"Well then, let's get to business." Caius hissed from the other side of the chamber. Fear built up in my chest as he moved forward and forced me to the wall where a desk stood. On it was a piece of parchment and a bottle of ink with a smart looking pen beside it. I struggled to get out of his grip, even though I knew it was useless. He forced me to sit on the chair.

"Now, child, write down what I say." Aro said in a childlike tone. He placed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly. I yelped in pain as he started to crush my shoulder. "Now."

"Never! Not for you, you arrogant bastard!" I screamed as he pressed harder.

"Silence!" Caius roared above my screams. I shut myself up before he'd come over here and do some serious damage. "You'll write that letter and do as Aro says before I make sure that so called family of yours is dead by dawn!" Aro released my shoulder and I looked down at the parchment before bursting into a run, throwing the chair backwards and running out of the room. But before I could even reach the door, I was thrown to the ground with a sickening thud. I lay on the ground for a couple of seconds before I was violantly pulled from the stone floor and set upright by Caius.

"Wrong choice." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Jane! Demetri! Felix!" Seconds later all three of them appeared.

"Yes, Master?" Jane said in that sickeningly sweet tone of hers. I hadn't seen her in a while, but I vividly remember how she brought me here. It was as if I was thrown back into the memory. I'd travelled with them in utter darkness, thanks to Alec. I woke on the cold floor and Aro explained to me why I was here. It was stupid, really. I never despised anyone as much as I hated Aro and Caius. Marcus wasn't too bad. I was drawn into the real world as Aro spoke.

"Kill the Cullen family."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 01, 2013 ⏰

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Evenlyn's Story: The Volterra Years (Book Two)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang