two - im

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i don't want to be here.

I wake up in a white room.

I look for a window; the room is uncomfortably enclosed without one. Luckily, I find one. Between the curtains, I barely see any of the glass. I can tell it's dark. It must be night, or really early in the morning. Either way, I have a headache.

I'm in a bed. Everything around me is white and it smells like hand sanitizer. I think I can understand where I am at this point.

There's tubes connected to my wrist and I'm laid upwards. My mouth feels dry, but I don't feel like drinking anything. Nor filling my stomach.


I feel angry.

Why am I here? I feel fine, aside from my headache. I don't like hospitals at all. The doctors and nurses look at you with their eyes which creeps me out. It's unsettling.

Someone knocks on the door and comes in. I can tell she's a nurse, judging from her uniform and tired looking face. She replaces the bag that's connected with tubes to me. I stare at her silently, and she only gives me a quick glance.

I really don't like the look of her. I don't know why, but I feel so impatient and irritated. It's burning up inside of me, and I want her gone from my sight.

There's a small table besides me, decorated with an empty flower pot and a few sheets of paper. I move subconsciously; my hand grabs the flower pot and flings it at her. It isn't made of ceramic or glass so it doesn't shatter, but it sure does hit the nurse. She looks at me, surprised and with a scowl. Bitch. She storms out the room.

Finally, I was alone again. It feels nice.


Someone is back into my room. It's her again, complaining rapidly to another female nurse. Probably her friend that's forced to do what she says. I hate those kind of people. The other nurse looks at me and then smiles. Creepy.

Now the other girl leaves, and us two were left alone. I try to avoid looking at her, but she keeps coming closer and closer. I'm forced to watch as she sits on the edge of my bed and giggles. No matter how uninteresting I make my face look, she keeps smiling and batting her eyelashes.


I slow rise from my bed. It feels like it's been years since I actually sat up. My stomach has an odd pain, too, but I don't mind it. There's something on my bed that's bothering me more at the moment. I'm losing patience.

"Aw, oppa, be careful. I'll supervise you until you get all better, okay? We can have plenty of time alone together."

I chuckle. It's funny, how she thinks she's getting anywhere with that. I gestured with my finger for her to come closer with a grin.

I whisper,

"Get the fuck out of here."

She runs out the room. I can hear her shoes clacking against the hallway floor.

I lay back down and cover the blanket over myself.

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