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[A/N] here's more to note.
H/C= Hair Color
H/L= Hair Length (Short, Medium, Long)
E/C= Eye Color
-Your POV-
"We're back here at home after that intense work out." I said as I walked around my house whilst vlogging. "So today, me and Tessa Brooks are going to be having a sleepover at her place." I laughed a bit, "This is still valid because Tessa and I are both still children in the eyes of the law in the U.S." I started to dance when I heard a knock on the door and looked at my camera curiously and shuffled over to the door. I opened it to see Tessa vlogging too. "It's Tessa Brooks!" I yelled before hugging her, she smiled and waved at the camera before introducing me to her's. I grabbed my stuff and we headed out to her car, I decided to stop vlogging while we drove to Starbucks and then to Walmart to grab a few things for a challenge video and prank video we planned for.
***Time Skip To Walmart***
"So, you like any YouTube boys yet?" Tessa asked me, a smirk played her face. I looked at her, shocked and replied,
"I'm two years older than you Tessa, I should be asking you. But to answer your question, Jake's cute." She looked in disbelief.
"You like Jake?!" She squeaked.

-Tessa's POV-
'I wonder if Jake likes her back.' I thought as I continued to walk around Walmart with Y/N.
***Le Time Skippo***
"Jake, we're home!" I shouted as we carried the grocery bags to the kitchen. He came down the stairs and asked,
"Where's Y/N?" He sounded disappointed which surprised me, so I played it cool.
"She's coming bud, hold your horses. Why are you so excited?"
"No reason." He blushed a little on the darkened stairs, even I could see that.
"Bro you like her don't you?" I asked him running up to him.
"Shh don't tell her." He sounded defeated and I laughed.
"Sure okay." I walked back to the kitchen laughing. Jake ran upstairs for a reason that I don't know.
"Hey Tessa I think we forgot the ravioli." I started searching through the bags as Y/N brought more in, I sighed and looked at her. She started to laugh and so did I.

-Jake's POV-
I heard laughing as I came back downstairs I ran to my room to grab my pink Jake Paul sweater, always gotta plug. I walked into the kitchen to see Tessa look at me through the corner of her eye and wink. She probably told Y/N already. 'Bruh' I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as I walked around to the other side of the counter and took a seat, they both calmed down enough to actually talk.
"Hey Jake." Tessa said to me before looking at whatever Y/N was looking at on her phone. Y/N looked up and smiled at me with her beautiful E/C eyes.
"Hey." She said, her voice was even better in real life.
"Hey." I said back and she started laughing a bit, she walked up to me and asked me
"Do you know?" I looked at her curiously before she waved Tessa over, they both looked at me and giggled before Y/N used her finger to swipe under my lip.
"What was that for?"
"The drool." Tessa started laughing hard and I blushed, Y/N flashed another smile at me before going back to what she was looking at.
"Kay Tessa, I found a store that's close and open." She said, "Want to come with me?" She then looked at Tessa, who looked at me, while I was looking at Y/N.
"I'll go," I said and Y/N looked at me excitedly.
"Okay!" She squeaked, she was adorable.
"I'm a day behind on editing and I still have to upload a video today, I think you and Jake should just go Y/N." Tessa said before standing up and going to find Nick, "Don't get in a car crash."
"Thanks Tessa." I said before standing and grabbing my keys. Y/N followed me to my car before we both got in. "So what are we getting?"
"Ravioli," she said while I started to laugh.
"That's all?"

-Tessa's POV-
I know I probably shouldn't've lied to Y/N by saying I had stuff to do but really I needed to gossip to Nick and let those two love birds get closer together. I walked into the garage that had our offices in it and I found Nick, the Martinez and Dobre twins, Tristan, Chad, Neels, and Logan sitting and talking they all looked at me when I barged in.
"Oh hey Tessa..." Nick said cautiously.
"Guys, new ship." I said and they all stopped breathing. "Y/N and Jake."
"Not yet. They're at the store getting ravioli for a video me and Y/N are doing."
"That sounds depressing." Nick said.
"Savage." Emilio said before I ran out of the room and came back a minute later.
"They also like each other but they don't know it, so we have to get them closer together."
"How about a mock marriage?" Chad suggested.
"Nice, get the ideas flowing boys."
"Vacation." Ivan said before putting two thumbs up.
"Yaz Ivan! We can do that and have a mock marriage for them!" I screeched, "And everyone can come and it'll be goals! Nick start googling resorts, and don't tell Y/N or Jake about this or it will ruin the surprise." I then ran out of the room and started putting away the food on the counter.

-Your POV-
Jake was loading the cans into the basket while I was on the phone with Tessa
"Are you sure you don't want anything else?"
"Kay, see you later then."
I hung up on her while she was laughing, she was teasing me about my crush on Jake and he was right there, watching me. I picked up a ravioli can and hid behind it laughing quietly, I peeked around the can and he was trying not to laugh, I put the can back and started walking again. He followed behind me while I added a few more things to the basket, we checked out and headed to the car.
"We should do a collab." He said smiling like a goof.
"Totally!" I said, probably a little to loud and we laughed together on our way back to the Team 10 house for the night.


When I Saw Your Vid [Jake Paul x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now