A while Longer

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                 Your POV:

Once Mr. Cat had a signed everyone else a dance partner I was waiting patently for mine. "Ok Miss (l/n) you'll be dancing with Mr. Fakir" said Mr. Cat. I couldn’t breath. And from the corner of my eye Fakir came right next to me. We started to dance, all I heard were people talking in amazement and Duck,Pika,and Lila shipping us like crazy. I just smiled and giggled. Fakir kept his gaze on me ,I felt like I could stay hear for a while longer.

As the dancing finally finished and everyone applauded I left with Duck. Fakir wanted to stay and wait with Myto and Rue. "So (y/n) did you like dancing with Fakir?"she asked. "Uhhh yes I did very much so actually" I said trying to restrain my blush. "I need to tell you and Fakir something" I said hesitantly. "Okay sure we'll just wait until Fakir gets-QUCK" she stopped and yelled. Someone startled her. I heard it to it was like an old man talking. "Well,well,well Miss Duck and Miss (y/n) I presume" said the voice. "What who's there" I yelled stepping back. "I'll tell you if I could but you'd be to shocked" he said. "I am Drossolemeyer " he said. "What the hell?"I yelled falling back. "Yes and now you're here and you are now apart of the story " he said with a venous smile. "Story what story" I asked really confused.  "The Prince and the Raven. Yes Yes you are in the story" Drossolemeyer said. "But I -" "You also save  a knight by the name of Fakir" he said. I stumbled back in shock. Suddenly a dark hooded figure jumped over me. "Fakir!" I yelled  startled. "Oh the knight has come to save his beautiful  (y/n). Oh but a plot twist" he showed up besides me. "I'll be taking her" Drossolemeyer said.

  Fakir's POV:

"I'll be taking her" Drossolemeyer said.  "Like hell you will" I yelled. "Oh and who's going to stop me? You? The knight that failed to protect his one true love" the immortal said. I shot him a glare and then looked at (y/n). Her soft (e/c) shifted into fear and disbelief. "Let her go" I yelled. But almost 2 seconds after I had said those words,(y/n) stopped realized what was actually going on and kicked Drossolemeyer in the stomach. The oh mighty fell back shocked that she would do that.
                 Your POV :

I was being held against my will so I decided to kick him. Probably not a good idea, because he got up and slapped me. Which made Fakir punch him and me to blush. "I'll get her just watch Fakir" Drossolemeyer said. He left. "What the hell just happened " I ask in shock. "We'll explain later" Fakir said. "Right now we have to get you inside", I had no idea why I felt fine until I glanced down at my arm which was covered in blood.

        Fakir's POV:

We got back home and nursed (Y/n)'s wounds. "Um I have to tell you something" she said to me. "Okay shoot" "Well I'm not from here obviously. But I do want to stay here" she said. "Okay then it's settled you're staying " I said mentality facepalming myself. "I can't stay. But I will for one reason only" "Oh and what's that?" I ask. "You" she said quietly but loud enough so that I could hear.

           Your POV:

"You" I said I think he heard me. He just stared at me. Oh please don't tell me he herd that. "Hey guys" yelled Duck. Thank God. "Hey Duck um can we go  now" "Uh sure but today we have no Classes or for 2 weeks" she said. "Well then I wish I could stay " I said running out of the room and to the woods. "Why did I think I could stay here" I said running at top speed. "(Y/n)!" I  herd someone yell. I stop and turn. "Fakir?!" I yell.

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