Chapter 2

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Emily walked along the shore, swinging her heels back and forth.

As much as she liked running around like a teenager with Aidan she longed for the day when the could sail off into the sunset, leaving all thoughts of Revenge and the Grayson's behind them.

They had already bought a place for when her mission was over. A little villa in Capris, Italy. Small and secluded it was exactly what the both of them would need when it was all over.

Aidan was staying with the Nolan at the moment. Nolan had been forced to take Aidan in after he was kicked out of Grayson Manor when Queen Vic decided that his usefulness had run it's course.

They seemed to be getting along well. That is until Emily had started staying the night and well Nolan's walls weren't as sound proof as they thought. After Nolan banned any "activity" they had been reduced to staying in secluded cheap motels.

Emily could pretend she didn't care where they stayed as long as she was with Aidan, but she had to admit the sheets of a 5 star hotel would be much nicer than the things they slept on in motel 7. Not that they did much sleeping.

The settings for their latest 'activity' weren't the most romantic or clean but they couldn't stay anywhere fancy. Since the wedding planning had started the press and tabloids were keeping constant tabs on her. Being seen booking a room with her ex while being engaged would definitely not go down too well.

Emily had to accept that this would probably her and Aidan's last night together until it was all over. When the 'pregnancy' was announced the press would be keeping extra tabs on her. Not that they weren't already keeping excessive tabs on her. She had gotten mobbed by reporters coming out of the supermarket the other week all of them wanting to know what milk she bought and other much stranger things. 

She supposed that's what happens when you're planning the supposed 'wedding of the century' with the matriarch of the Hamptons son. It didn't stop her being angry at all the publicity the wedding brought with it. Poor Nolan had to suffer while she ranted about how much she hated reporters.

If it had been up to her it would have been a small ceremony with maybe a hundred people but Victoria was trying to get her title as 'Queen of the Hamptons' back and to do that her sons wedding definitely could not be small.

There was almost three hundered people coming, a nine tier red velvet wedding cake, two hundred staff hired including a photographer, wait staff and drivers. Victoria of course had chosen most of it. Emily wasn't going to protest though. Less time spent on the wedding meant more time planning how her plan was going to go down afterwards.

Her and Aidan had most of the details but some of the finer details were still a bit rough. They weren't sure how Emily was going to get her wedding dress off once in the water. It was a huge thing that weighed a tone. It had 5 layers and itched like hell. Emily of course didn't get much say in the dress and frankly didn't really care about it. But after Victoria had chosen it, Emily agreed and made her try it on she realised that she should have payed more attention to how heavy it actually was.

She had been so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn't realised that she was was walking up the steps to her porch and that there was someone waiting for her.

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