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The distant sound of pounding thunder was easily able to hide the cries of a middle aged man as he was thrown not so gently into the side of a brick building. The lightening dance that was happening in the sky lit up the horror that was unfolding in a deserted alley way on the edge of a small town.

It reminded someone of a certain memory that happened many, many years ago now.

"N-n-no! Please! I beg you please d-dont kill me! Please!"

"I~ dont~ think~ so~.."

With a missing left arm and half a missing right one, the ghoul crawling across the alley way at a snail's pace could do little to nothing.

He was slowly losing consciousness, but the fear of the figure in front of him kept him alert even though he wished he was already gone.

"Answer me then." A figure dressed in black with a black and blue wolf's mask on growled out, placing a heavy boot directly in the middle of the ghouls chest, pushing down hard, forcing him into the ground,"Tell me what you know."

"I told you already!" The ghoul cried out hysterically,"I d-dont know nothing about any doves attack!"

The figure stared down at the ghoul, saying nothing for a moment. What use are you to me then? Digging the heel of their boot into his chest, the figure watched as the ghoul cried out in pain before removing their foot and walking towards their companion a few feet away. The ghoul let his head fall back against the ground, closing his eyes as he wished for death to take him.

"This is another dead end... we're never going to get a hand on the CCG's movements like this..."

"Ah~ don't worry. We'll get them soon enough.." The companion reassured, her eyes sliding over to the half dead ghoul,"What are you gonna do with him?"

The figure in black looked over their shoulder to the man. Oh how the companion wished she could see their face.

"Nothing. You can have him... just like you have had the last three.."

The companion smirked,"Ah how kind of you... Rima-sama."

Even the companion could feel the glare coming from behind the mask.

"Don't call me that. Just hurry up, we don't exactly have all the time in the world.."Rima growled out, turning on her heels and making her way out of the alleyway.

It would only be a matter of time before more ghouls or even a dove or two find the scene, and frankly, Rima wanted to be long gone by then.

" She'll be gone by then.."Rima told herself as she crosses over into the tree line on the other side of the street, hearing the ghoul scream out in pain one final time.

He's the fourth one I've tried to interrogate, and still nothing. Why haven't I found any leads yet!? Rima thought angrily, tearing her mask off in frustration as she disappeared into the trees. It's been almost two months and I haven't gotten any closer!

Rima shut her eyes and tried to breath in deeply, exhaling slowly to calm herself. Her anger has been getting out of hand lately, and she knew it was because of one thing. Someone that Rima tried to forget.

6 weeks have passed since Rima went on her own, and so far the only thing the half ghoul has gained, has been a reputation for herself. One that makes it hard for her to get information out of people.

Shaking her head, Rima went on with her trek to what she has called home for the last day, just wanting to get some rest. CCG Agents haven't caught wind of where she currently is, but a mysterious person or persons have been on her tail lately, making Rima not want to stay in one place for too long. Mostly just a night or two.

A Ghouls Rise | Sequel to A Ghouls Silence (KK FF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz