Heart break

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We was sitting in our compartment when the door opened to what felt like the fith time in the past ten minuets with people congratulating me and wishing me luck because i had to share a dorm with draco but this time it wasnt someone coming to wish me luck it was him ..... Again


I was sitting with blaise and goyle when a first year girl came walking in she looked like she had just seen a boggart

"Erm erm mr malfoy the headmistress would like to see you in her compartment " she ran straight out of there i knew why ofcourse i was draco malfory death eater.

I left my compartment and went straight to see McGonagall she never relley liked me ..... well she was nicer to me than the other professors but she still had something about her she was different

Knock knock

"Enter" she was quiet as she spoke i wonder if she was with someone

"You wanted to see me professor?" I walked in not knowing what to expect how ever she looked happy to see me

That was a first

"Ah . Mr Malfoy yes yes do come in take a seat

As this will not take long" she looked as if she was a bout to burst

"First of all Draco i would like to inform you that i have just recieved a letter from your mother requesting to visit hogwarts this term , she would like to spend more time with you after well .... She seems to be a bit lonley since you father was sent to askaban so i have already granted her permision" she sat there looking at me ... Well staring i didnt know what to say i loved my mother and she needed me more than ever now

"Th .. Thanks " thats all i could say i needed her to i needed help to change

"You will be able to walk around the grounds have lunch in hogsmead and then she shall sit with the professors for dinner and then she will leave ... Second thing Draco is i forgot you and Miss Granger will need to do a patrol on the train before we reach the station make sure the first years are okay and that the rest are behaving you do have permission do take points from houses but only ten also you can give out detentions that they will be taking with me is that okay Mr malfoy ? "

"Yes .. Yes thats fine with me i shall go and find ...Gra....Hermione straight away " great i had to check on people this will be fun but hey on the plus side i can take points away and give detentions

"Okay Mr Malfoy i shall see you for the start of year feast"

I got up and left i had to find Granger but i knew where she would be .... With Potter And Weasel as always


"Granger " he said just about loud enough for me to hear

"Yes Malfoy what do you want " i didnt hate draco well i did but after his little speech earlyer i thought i should at least try with him

"McGonagall wants us to patrol the train to make sure first years are okay and that everyone else is behaving" he didnt even look at me he was looking at his shoes he wanted to say something else i know he did but i didnt ask

"Okay then lets go " he looked at me with a confused look

"Really you dont want to check that im telling the truth "

"Why if you wanted to hurt me you would have came up with a better excuse than that " i saw harry look away from ginny at that and gave draco a stern look the sort of look a the weasley brothers gives to harry

"Er okay "

I turned to say bye to harry and ginny . Ron had left the cabin a while ago muttering something about the sweets trolly

We left my cabin which was at the very far end of the train we started to walk along when we came to a compartment with the blinds closed draco took out his wand and ficked at the windows opening the blinds Inside there was a few first years we decided that if any blinds where closed we would open them just to make sure people were behaving

We came to the next compartment and i recognised the girl from earlyer she waved at me then sat down and carried on talking to her friends

We walked along the train for a good half hour until draco spoke

"Oh McGonagall said we can take points away from houses and give detentions if we need to but we can ony take away ten points from the houses" he was still looking at his shoes like they was the most amazing thing ever

"Okay sounds fair " i didnt really know what to say he was in a mind of his own

It was another twenty minuets till we came across another cabin with the blinds down

"Can u hear that ?" Draco said

Someone was giggling and a boy was chuckling

"Come lets leave them" draco started to move away but somthing felt wrong

"No we need to look and make sure they are behaving McGonagalls orders" i went to lift my wand to the blinds before dracocould stop me and well i wished he would have

I couldnt move it was like i had been cursed and trust me i know what that felt like i looked away from what i saw to see draco walking towards me i walked away i didnt know what to do or say i didnt know how to feel i just walked however draco must have noticed something on my face because he said " you ok Granger ?"

I just looked at him then back to the cabin i had just walked away from he did the same then walked towards it looking confused as i watched him i felt it my heart it just broke ... In half .... Then the tears started to flow i ran for it i ran, we had passed a empty cabin not long ago i went in and fell to the floor i couldnt move


She had stopped but i carried on i didnt care who was doing what in there although i had a good idea what was going on in there i didnt care who but Granger was froze to the spot then she looked at me she looked pale and her eyes they were full if hurt what could have been in there she looked at me then back to the cabin i started to walk to the cabin i needed to see what it was when i looked in i knew straight away what made her eyes change i turned to look at her but she was gone i was going to look for her but she would just hex me

I walked back to my cabin to blaise and goyle playing exploding snaps i just sat on the bench and went to sleep but all i could see were her eyes


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