Chapter 1: influence of the ring

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"Hurry up!!" My brother screams. "Be right there!"I scream back. I walk to my desk and grab my phone,earphones,and bookbag. As I walk in the kitchen my brother is waiting at the table on his phone. "Hey guys what's for breakfast?". "Pancakes and bacon",my mom says. "Yum!" I say as I slide in the chair. My sister comes in crazily screaming "breakfast!". "Shut up!" My brother says. "Make me jackass!!" My sister screams. "Guys calm down" I say. "Fine" my brother says. "Whatever" my sister says. After breakfast we head to school in class I think about the possibilities of certain types of videogames. "Azariah would you like to share your project with the class?" my teacher says. As I walk to the front of the class a few students whisper about me. Noticing this I ignore them and share my project. "My project is on the blue lantern corps" I said. "Ha! the blue lantern corps? This dumbass nerd!" One kid says.the others start laughing and making fun of my project. "Pipe down!" The teacher says. "Now listen!". "O-ok" I said softly "now the first blue lantern was saintwalker the most- shut up nerdass!" One kid said. The others were laughing at me like I was a joke. When I reached home I sat down and thought why does everyone hate me?. "All will be well" a voice whispered. "Who said that?" I said. Then I see a blue floating ring outside my window, I open my window and the ring rushes into my bedroom and hits my temple."ow!" As soon as I stand on my feet the ring is on my middle finger. Whoaaa! I say as I feel a blue light surround me. Then when I least expect it I'm floating 13 ft in the air with this skin-like costume. The ring says azariah Edwards you've been the first teen chosen to be in the blue lantern corps you've shown signs of hope in the most dire situations,use it wisely as I'm flying I see two more lights an indago one and a violet one. Wait I said that's my sister and brother!!!! My brother was an indago lantern and my sister was a violet lantern when we reach space a mask hits my face and I was brung to a warm but peaceful planet which had others like me. "Hello newcomer I'm saintwalker." "Whoooaa!!!" I screamed your saintwalker! I've studied about you and your abilities. "Wow I have a fan?" Saintwalker said. "Thank God! A new recruit" yelled a old raspy voice. "Who are you?" I said. "Greetings earth teen I am ganthet the creator of the blue lantern corps you'll love it here!". "Whoaaa I said as I fly around the planet when I reach ground I see an elephant looking creature and when I found out it was brother warth I went to introduce myself. "H-hello mister warth I'm new to the corps the name is azariah" "nice to meet you newcomer I'm brother warth you'll make a great asset to us since you are the chosen blue lantern of hope. "Wait what do you mean?" I say. "That is for you to find out" brother warth says. I fly off when I hear "azzy!!" I turn around and see my bro and sis fly in. "Hey dude we are lanterns now!" My brother says. "I look awesome!" My sister says. "I'm proud of you both" I said. "We'll see you soon azzy we need to report to our corps" my brother says. I wave them goodbye still wondering what brother warth said. I decide to look for ganthet and tell him. But as I search for him I hear an expolosion so I investigate it. When I reach there I see a red lantern trying to shut down the power battery while other blue lanterns try to fight him off but end up getting knocked out cold. Seeing this I yell, "hey stereotype!" The red lantern looks at me and laughs. "Step aside you little bastard!". I point my ring at him and shoots out a laser. He dodges it and heads straight for me. I hesitated and held out my ring and a big gun manifests shooting the red lantern straight in his chest. The red lantern falls to his knees and lands dead on the ground. Seeing this I cheer and jump,the other lanterns cheer and call out ganthet who then tells me "Azariah Edwards the second reason the blue lantern ring chose you is because you are the chosen blue lantern of hope that has power that can surpass those of rage and fear, and also your ring has white lantern inheritance and with proper training you will put an end to red lantern tyranny for good." "Then what are we waiting for!" I Yelp. Me and my siblings destiny begins!! To be continued....😃thanks for reading!!!

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