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Tiffany pov continues...

"so lets change the topic to something cheerful shall we" I said checking the time every 10 seconds. I cant help it I am curious.

"well so I was waiting for an opportunity to ask u this and I guess nows the time."

"ask me what?"

"promise me u wont get angry..."

"no promises hun, depends what u wanna talk about..."

"talking bout the past, you never told me bout yours. So lets hear it and before you begin one question how the hell do u know Damien?" he was the school's most popular guy, my childhood EX-best friend(nothing more) and now my enemy :-/

"well it's a long story..."

"I wanna hear it..."

"but not today we always have tomorrow and other is your birthday! lets talk about you..."

"well its my birthday so I choose and I choose this topic. Come on I told you everything..."she is so childish. I give up

"fine if you wanna talk about the player who played you don't tell me"

"well it was my mistake I should've taken care and not fallen for him..."

"are you blaming yourself when u know it was entirely jerkface's( that's what I started calling him after he hurt my bestie) fault ok?"> ;-/

So wanna know...

Even if you don't I wanna tell so here it goes............


It happened in the second last month of school. In may...

"guess what happened today" squealed my bestie in delight as we were having lunch on our regular table with our group. Our group basically consisted of max, troy, jenna, shelly , blaze, Hannah, junie, mellisa Ashley and me. We all were and are really close. Ash continued " Damien asked me on a date tonite!! Can u believe it! Me and the schools hottest bestest cutest guy together can you imagine?"

"sorry to burst your bubble darling, but he is a player and is just playing with you" I explained

"do I find someone burning here guys?" chimed in jenna

"ooooooo" and the rest did that!

"oh puh-lease! You know I hate him and bes-" me

"liar! Liar! Pants on fire!! Looks like tiff has a crush on mr hotshot" said junie.

"no that's not true" me again

"yes it is. We know how you look at him and how he looks at you"shelly

" and besides you guys entered school the same year which means you knew him before." Melissa

"if there was something he wouldn't have asked Ashley out." I said looking towards he. She was staring at something behind my back and I turned to see the person I hate the most. damien. Brown hair brown eyes pale skin and 6'2 with a 6 pack he was a heart throb for every girl of school except me.( related to past. Long story. Chillax will come ahead let the mysteries unfold themselves" He was winking at Ashley from his table and she was giggling. His was the popular jerks table with all the mean cheerleaders and football jocks. He was the star quarterback of the team and the "pride of the school"(exact works used by the principal mrs jones.) Then he stood up and was coming towards us and I definitely saw Ashley blush, the entire cafeteria shush and girls giving dirty looks to ash.

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