Nash Aguas and Alexa Ilacad (MY OBSERVATION)

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I always watch their projects at the television it makes me Nakakakilig when I'm watching them on t.v. I don't use anything like internet etc. My own observation...

I observed Nash Aguas he's kinda cute, gentleman, nice, etc. He's just like John Lloyd Cruz. He's style, he's own attitude, etc. In Luv U he is Bad boy and make Ligaw to lexie. (Alexa Ilacad)

I observed Alexa Ilacad she's kinda kind, pretty, nice, etc. In every steps that she takes in Showbiz I think she's happy. I think her inspiration is her fans? For being active in Showbiz. In Luv U she is being called by Benj (Nash Aguas) Ms. Sungit.

I actually want to update this and I hope you enjoyed reading this! :)

I will create a story again about Nash and Alexa but I hope you will read it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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