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"Tiffany!" Luhan shouts and bangs on the pink door continuously. "Are you ready yet? Me and Seohyun have been waiting for you for more than half an hour. Are you still alive?!"

Just then, the door opened and out came his 16-year old sister.

"I'm ready, let's go. We might be late for the movie." She said, her voice high-pitched. Luhan rolled his eyes annoyingly.

"Who's talking about being late?" He muttered under his breath.


"Wow. This is the newly built mall in the city, right?" Seohyun said excitedly. Tiffany and Luhan nodded quietly and together, they scanned the place in amusement with their jaws hanging.

After a minute of gawking and admiring the place, "Okay, where do you want to go first? We have more than an hour before the movie starts," says Luhan.

"Let's go shopping!" Tiffany suggested. Seohyun grinned in agreement whilst Luhan face-palmed. The two girls high-fived each other and ran towards the department store.

Half an hour has passed and each girls had 3 big bags in hand-- or rather, in Luhan's hands.

As they were strolling around to find a place to eat, they passed by a shop full of girly accessories - headbands, ponytails, keychains, phone accessories, phone cases, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and many more. And the two girls weren't oblivious of how attracting the store is.

They didn't think twice and hopped towards the store just to be welcomed by pink accessories installed accordingly to each's section. It felt paradise for Seohyun and Tiffany while Luhan just decided to stay and wait for them outside. He couldn't handle all the pink madness. It's really bad for his eyes, he'd always say.

Meanwhile inside the shop, "Wow. I wonder how much money they make by selling the headbands and the ponytails." Seohyun awed.

"Want me to ask the cashier?" Tiffany asked.


They went to the girl and asked.

"I ain't sure but I know we earn P4,700 every month for headbands and ponytails and it's always out of stock. We sell 100 headbands and 120 ponytails every month."

"Oh, but how much does each cost?" Seohyun asked.

"A headband costs P35.00 and a ponytail costs P10.00. Do you want to buy anything?"

"Yes, please. We'll buy two bracelets. That one." Tiffany said and pointed on the pink bracelets with the carving "Friends Forever." She payed the cashier and they both left.

After eating, they went to the movie house to buy tickets. They were going to watch Catching Fire but to their dismay, it was PG-13 so Seohyun can't go but they lined up anyway since Luhan reassured them he has ways.

"Yes, sir?" The lady at the counter said to Luhan.

"We'll buy three tickets for the movie Catching Fire, please?" Luhan then gave the money.

Before the lady gave the ticket, "But I have to remind you, sir, that ages 13 and below are not allowed to watch the movie," said the lady while eyeing on Seohyun. "How old is she?"

Luhan didn't say anything so Tiffany nudged him on the stomach. Luhan glared at her and faced the lady. "You want to know her age? My younger sister's age is two times my older sister's age decreased by 22, the sum of their ages in 5 years is 40 minus 4. Old enough, huh? Thank you." Luhan said and snatched the three tickets from the lady, leaving her fake smiling embarrassingly to the other costumers who witnessed the scene.

"Wow, that was epic, Oppa!" Seohyun cheered when they reached their seats.

Just then, the lights went dim and the movie started.


After two hours, the movie ended. The trio enjoyed watching it as shown on their satisfied grins leaving the theater.

"Wow, the theater sure is bigggg! I heard Dad plans to build a theater for their upcoming work? And he asked us for help. Why don't we ask the area so that he'd have an idea?" Tiffany said.

"Okay, lets ask that lady!" Seohyun pointed to the lady standing at the corner. "Oppa, ask her!"

"Fine." Luhan walked towards the lady and tapped her shoulders. The lady faced him and he almost choked because it was the lady which he humiliated awhile ago.

"M-may I a-ask the area of the theater because y-you know, I want to help my D-dad for their upcoming project." He stuttered because he felt bad of what he did.

The lady closed her eyes and inhaled. "Want to know the area of the theater? I'll tell you. The area is 45,000 square meters. The length is thrice the width increased by 500 meters and decreased by 800. Get it? Welcome." Luhan was taken aback and was flabbergasted. The lady scoffed in an unfriendly manner and walked away not before whipping her hair purposely on Luhan's face.

His sisters saw this and they both ended up laughing hysterically. Luhan rolled his eyes and pouted, "I hate girls."

"Now you know that you can't humiliate a lady, Oppa, it sucks for you."

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