
128 7 25

A girl, she stands

all alone in the rain

she shivers from the cold

and cries from the pain

The pain of trying to be pretty,

of trying to fit in

too much trying

to be a perfect ten

she's insecure,

no matter what they say,

she never believes she's beautiful

she doesn't see herself in that way


she's hates herself

what she doesn't know

is she's full of love, the biggest wealth

she looks at a mirror

and her reflection stares back

she sees the girl she doesn't wanna be

she doesn't wanna be herself, in fact

he tells her she's beautiful

she denies it every time

he hates that she doesn't see the truth,

she doesn't let herself shine

all she wants is his love

so she tries so hard

what she doesn't know

is he's not that far

he wants the girl to be beautiful

he wants her to see

just look in a mirror

and maybe she'll believe

the girl runs away

she doesn't wanna see

she looks at the ground and whispers

"that's me..."

with a sigh she turns back

she wants to be suitable

for everyone, for society, especially for him

she wants to beautiful...


this is how i feel :/

it's kinda depressing i guess...

i dunno sad mood day :(

i think it's kinda bad but whatever :3

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