the christmas coffee

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It's Christmas morning and Ayato was the first to wake up. He looked at his boyfriend's sleeping face and smiled. He went to place his hand on his cheek but he immediately pulled back and rushed out of the room.

I can't afford to have Kaneki wake up right now. I have to start the coffee.

Ayato has never made Kaneki coffee before because he's terrible at it and it's a pain to wake up earlier than him to make it. Coffee is Kaneki's expertise after all, not his. But he decided to do something very unexpected of him to make his boyfriend happy on Christmas morning.

"I hope I don't fuck this up." Ayato said quietly to himself while brewing the coffee.

Ayato spent weeks with Touka practicing on making coffee and doing art with the foam for this day. Although, he'd never tell anyone that. And he'd beat his sister black and blue if she told Kaneki. So if Kaneki were to ask how he learned to make coffee like this, he'll obviously change the subject. Kaneki's not really a pushy boyfriend so if Ayato doesn't wanna tell him he won't pursue it anymore he's just happy that he's the only person who gets to see this cute side of him.

"Wow that actually tastes amazing, I guess Touka is good for something." Ayato laughed.

As Ayato finished making the designs on the coffee, he looked over at the clock and it was 10 a.m.

Kaneki had woken up to the smell of coffee which has never happened before. Why do i smell coffee? Kaneki thought while still laying in bed with his eyes closed. Kaneki put his hand out and searched the bed for his boyfriend but the bed was empty. Where's Ayato so early in the morning? He slowly stood up from the bed with his eyes still closed and made his way to the mysterious coffee smell. He walked into the living room yawning and rubbing his eyes

"Ayattoooo" Kaneki yawned making his way towards the purple haired boy.

"You're finally awake." Ayato chuckled.

As Kaneki looked around, he saw the two coffee mugs that Ayato had placed on the table in the living room. The mugs mirrored the lights on the Christmas tree, that was lit and shining. His grey eyes widened in amazement.

"I... made you.. coffee.." Ayato said trying to hide his blush.

He then felt arms being wrapped around his waste from behind, surprising him. Kaneki hugged Ayato from behind and kissed the top of his head. After Kaneki let go, he made his way over to the table where the coffee mugs were. When Kaneki saw the foam design on his coffee his eyes filled with light. He turned to look at Ayato, who was leaning against the wall smiling softly at him.

Kaneki's coffee had a design of a bunny with an eye patch on it, with the words "I love you" above it, and Ayato's coffee also had a bunny but his bunny had little hearts around it. The best part about the designs were, if you put the coffee mugs together it looked like the bunnies were kissing.

"I love you so god damn much Ayato. This is actually the sweetest and greatest thing anyone's ever done for me. Thank you." Kaneki softened his voice while smiling lovingly at his boyfriend.

"I love you too." Ayato smiled, making his way to the open spot on the couch next to Kaneki.

Kaneki took a drink of his coffee and then smiled very warmly. It was the best coffee he'd ever had, especially since the love of his life had made it for him. He must've practiced for a long time to be able to make this perfect. Ayato turned the TV on and laid his head on Kaneki's shoulder who put his arm around him pulling him as close as possible. They both watched TV cuddling with their mugs in their hands.

"It's snowing." Kaneki smiled softly, looking out the window and watching the steady snowfall.

Ayato looked at Kaneki who was watching the snow fall. It was a precious sight. Kaneki turned to face Ayato who quickly looked away. Kaneki put his hand under the purple haired boys chin tilting it up so that they were looking at each other, bending down to kissed him. After they broke the kiss Kaneki put his forehead against Ayato's closing his eyes and smiling.

"Thank you." Kaneki whispered still smiling.

"Merry Christmas." Ayato whispered back happily.

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