the bully Within

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Sometimes when I'm feeling down for some reason I always down myself if you know what I mean.
  I've been bullied for a long time for such a long time that I bully myself I just bring up all the bad things about myself that I hate and I can't change.
Like how I'm not smart I act like it but I'm not everyone tells me that I'm so smart well show me the proof that I'm smart and I'm not talking about grades.
  Sometimes I wonder how the world sees me I know I'm just an insect compared to it but I believe if I can help one person in this world then I made a difference to someone.
I mean I feel like I can help no one I remember some people told me that help them but I don't feel like I did I don't know maybe I'm just rambling.
I know I have a girlfriend and really good friends who care about me but I feel like my family doesn't some of them doing support anything I do. Like my sister doesn't support my relationship with the girl I'm dating.
I mean I don't feel like I'm good at anything I don't know this chapter was supposed to be about how you can blow yourself but it turned into me just rambling. ( thanks for taking time to read this I know it's probably bad like bad writing I suck at it and I know)

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