Big announcment (part 2)

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"BABE COME HERE" I heard Kendall yell from our bathroom I ran in and and saw Kendall throwing up with 2 pregnancy tests on the floor.

"Oh my god please tell me you're pregnant oh god"

I took a look at the pregnancy test and they were positive.


She was throwing up so I ran up to her and pulled her hair back.

"I'm fucking pregnant y/n I'm pregnant"

"I know baby I know we're gonna be mommys now my love"

She looked at me and smiled I hugged her and stroke her hair back.

"I love you Kenny"

"I love you to y/n I love you too"

3 months later (huge time laps yeah sorry)

I was at the store getting kendalls cravings which were beef jerky, Fritos and nacho cheese I guess she just eats it like that but oh well she gets what she wants.

I'm On my way home when she calls me.

"Babeeee I'm hungry I kinda want in n out"

I sighed knowing how long the lines are especially in LA.

"Yeah my love what do you want??"

"Animal fries no onions and a double double no tomatoes and onions oh get me two of those actually and a neolpolitan shake a large ask for it in the big cup oh and some chillis"

I chuckled how she can eat so much and stay so fit.
"Anything else my love?"

"No I'm not really that hungry"

"Oh my god okay" I laughed

"I'll be on my way home in like 20 minutes k?"

"Alright love you bye"

"I love you too bye"

I hung up and went to in n out and got everything she wanted then a couple of minutes later I pulled up to our house and walked in and oh my god it smelled like Fritos.

I walk in our room and there's Kendall laying on the bed with two big bags of Fritos on her baby bump watching TV.

"Baby don't eat on the bed you'll get crumbs"

"I don't care now come here and give me a kiss.. and my food"

I walked over and gave her a huge kiss but she just had to stick her tongue in and leave all those Frito fishies in my mouth.

"Babe what the hell thats nasty"

"Oh shit up I know you like it"

I smirked and shrugged she just got her food out of the bag and started eating.

"I wanna get a dog"

"No Ken no"

"Why nottttt"

"I don't like dogs please no"

"But y/n please pretty please"

"Ugh what kind"

"A husky"

"Those are so big ugh okay fine we'll get one after the baby is born"

"What I want one right now though" she gave me that cute pouty face

"No dog until the baby"

"Fine" she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. I can't tell she was mad but I didn't want one now.

" okay okay well get your little dog"

"YESS" she jumped in me and smothered me with kisses but it wasn't like I was complaining.

We're now at my friend Destiny's house to get the dog. It was a baby husky grey and white with one grey eye and one blue eye.

"Yay" Kendall held him she looked so good holding it I couldn't wait until our baby came.

"So what's his name??" I told Kendall

"Pooch" she smiled

"Uh no what the hell name is pooch"

"Oh that's my new dogs name" she smirked because she knew she would win.

"Okay then whatever"

So far pooch has been a great dog and got bigger over these few months and so did Kendall we went to our few check ups and we had 2 more weeks till her due date and I couldn't be any happier. She decided to get married after the baby was born because she wanted to wear a two piece lace dress so I agreed.

I was sitting down in the living room about to get ready to go to bed when I heard Kendall scream.


I bolted up the stairs and ran into the room where Kendall was in the bathroom with a puddle of what look liked water underneath her.

"Oh my-no no we gotta go now get in the car hurry I'll grab the bag"

I helped her to the car and ran back to go get the babies bag. I started driving when Kendall kept screaming in my ear to call everyone  " CALL MY MOM KYLIE ALL MY SISTERS AND HAILEY OH MY GIGI AND BELLA TELL THEM TO COME"

I dialed everyone while driving and told them to come meet us.

As soon as we pulled up nurses were outside with a wheelchair waiting for Kendall.

Ken started crying so I ran down the hall while she was next to me holding my hand.

"Baby I'm here okay I'm gone be in there with you for our baby okay??"

She just squeezed my hand tighter as soon as we got in the room they laid her in the bed because the baby was already coming and I was flipping out.

"Okay Kendall were gonna need you to breath and push on the count of three okay? 1..2..3


Kendall had about five more pushes until i heard crying.

"Oh my god"

"It's a girl" the doctor said.

"Kendall baby look it's a girl"

She looked up and held out her arms while I sat beside her waiting for them to clean out baby up.

Kendall and I held our baby together

"What's her name" the doctor said

"Kara" we both said in unison (btw Kara is pronounced as cara I wanted to change it up because who doesn't like CaKe 😏)

"Kendall and Kara how cute is that" I said well smiling.

"My two babies" I mumbled and cuddled with them.

GUYS/LADIES HOW WAS THAT I KINDA FEEL LIKE I RUSHED IT BUT WHO CARES BECAUSE IT FINALLY HAPPENED HAHA sorry for the people who wanted smut but I'll see what I can do lol oh and if any of you guys have suggestions for the next chapter don't be afraid to comment down below and let me know what you guys would like. 🤗

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