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"Y-you know?" I ask shakily. My dark skin has goosebumps now as I begin to panic. How long has he known? 

"I may be old Anastasia, but I'm not blind. And neither is my wife," he responds calmly. 

"Mrs. Akio knows too," I almost whine, burying my face in my hands in frustration. 

"Yes, she does. She's very worried for you," Sensei says. I know I'm about to get an earful this evening. Mrs. Akio is practically a second mother to me. 

"Sensei Akio, I know this looks bad, but--" 

"Return to your duties. We'll discuss this tonight." With that, he goes to greet a new class of students. 

The rest of the day, I spent cleaning and helping out with more students. No more one on one classes, however. 

Speaking of which, I was currently putting Isaac into our system. I had helped Sensei digitally input all of our documents last summer, and he was thoroughly impressed with today's technology. It was ironic that I had done it, since I had grown up listening to my father tell my sister the dangers of technology. I brush the thought aside and lock up the office. 

It was now late afternoon, meaning it was time to head home.  I planned on changing quickly to look presentable for dinner at the Akio's and possibly coming up with a speech for the reasoning behind why I became this figure of the shadows. God knows I'm in deep trouble for being so foolish every night, as I know how much the Akio's care for me.  

I frown at myself for causing them to worry. They don't need to, I chose this. 

"I'll see you in an hour, Miss Masters," Sensei says in the sudden silence of the dojo. His voice wasn't serious or angry, and I found comfort in his soft words . I was turning off the lights, the only source of lighting now was from the rapidly fading sun outside. 

"I promise I'll tell you everything," I tell him, grabbing my bag and making my way toward the exit. 

"I know you will," he replies. With that, I left. 

I had barely made it inside my apartment building when it started to thunder. As soon as I entered my own apartment, it was pouring rain outside. I might have to take a cab when it is time for me to leave again. 

After placing my junk on the kitchen counter, I slump onto the couch in my quaint living room. I turn on the television to check the news out of habit. I quickly turn it off, knowing I didn't want to see what kind of trouble was brewing because I'll be tempted to chase after it. I was going to focus on discussing my situation with Sensei and that's it. Nothing more for tonight. Nothing.

I get up and walk into my bedroom, my wall of information staring back at me. I decide that I could trust Sensei with the rumor of my parents being S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. The worst he could do was laugh in face, and he might as well because the idea was absurd. 

I change out of the athletic attire I wore to work into a simple outfit of jeans and a button down shirt. Next, I walk into my bathroom and lazily brush my hair out of my face, and decide to braid it in order to get it out of the way completely. 

By the time I was finished getting ready, it was still raining outside. I sigh, the dreary weather reflecting my mood. This dinner wasn't going to be easy. 

Before I knew it, I was locking my apartment door and walking downstairs, straight through the front doors and hailing down a taxi. 

"Anastasia!" Mrs. Akio exclaims, pulling me through her front door. I had stupidly forgotten an umbrella in my haste, and the short sprint from the taxi towards the Akio's apartment building had gotten me soaked. 

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