That makes my heart warm. Just hearing that Rosen feels comfortable around me is the best thing a girl could hear. Honestly, all I want is for Rosen to feel like himself around me, and like he doesn't have to hide from me.

"Alrighty, we need to start studying for the exam now," I tell him as I grab my textbook and open it, as well as my notes to go over the things we've studied so far. "What are you having difficulty with?"

"Organic chemistry," Rosen tells me. "The whole nomenclature thing, different ways to write the formula, polymers–basically everything that has to do with organic chemistry."

I take out the small table that shows how nomenclature works and how to name substances. I hand it over to Rosen and he furrows his eyebrows as he looks at everything that's written on it.

"You can have this, I don't need it," I tell him.

"Yeah, what the fuck?" Rosen asks as he looks up at me. "What the hell am I looking at? I swear to God I've never seen anything like this before."

I laugh at Rosen's statement. This is all we've been studying this semester and he still doesn't understand anything. I don't even know why he's in AP Chemistry if he doesn't understand Chemistry that well.

"It shows how to name organic compounds," I explain. "Everything you need to know is written right here: what prefix or suffix to use, their functional group and examples."

"Okay, but what the hell is this ortho-dichlorobenzene?" Rosen asks as he points to one of the examples written down on the paper.

I shrug. "Who knows. You just need to know how to name stuff like that, you don't need to know what substance it actually is and what it's used for."

"I'm so going to fail this exam," Rosen murmurs.


After about three hours of studying, Rosen and I decided it would be time to go visit Faith. Right now it's around six o'clock so that gives us an hour before we have to come back home and prepare for the party.

The atmosphere in the hospital doesn't feel as creepy to me anymore. At first, I didn't like coming here, knowing that a lot of sick people are around and there isn't anything you can do about it, but now I'm kind of used to it.

When we enter Faith's room, she's awake, reading a book that's placed on her lap. She looks us and when she notices the two of us, she smiles.

"Hey, you two," she greets us. "I was wondering when I'm going to see you again, Hazel," she tells me as I walk up to her and give her a small hug. "What brings you two here?"

"It's New Year's Eve, so we wanted to visit you," Rosen tells his mom. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, sweetie. I'm actually feeling a lot better than before," she explains. "Even the doctors said they've seen an improvement and it kind of seems like my immune system is finally working and fighting against cancer slowly."

"That's amazing!" I tell her as I pull her in for another hug. "I'm so happy to hear that."

"If you're feeling better, can't you be released for a few days?" Rosen asks, excited about the news. It's clearly visible in his eyes that he thinks things will be better now. Just seeing him so optimistic makes me all happy again.

Faith shrugs. "I don't know. You're going to have to ask the doctor."

"I'll totally do that," Rosen exclaims. "Maybe you'll get to spend the night with us!" With those words he's out of the room, leaving me alone with Faith.

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