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Characters :

Finn Wolfhard- 16, laid back, doesn't care about school. 'Bad boy'
Millie brown- 16, smart, flirtatious. 'princess'
Sadie sink- 16, bubbly, just wants to have fun. 'Party girl'
Noah schnapp- 16, gamer, quiet. 'Nerd'
Caleb McLaughlin- 16, football player, very social, funny. 'Jock'
Gaten matarazzo- 16, sensitive, caring, always forgives people to easily. 'Push over'

This story will be clean, but there will be kissing. In this story there's lgbtq+ so if your Homophobic I suggest you don't read this.

Millie & Finn are dating

"Wolfhard get back here" I yelled while holding in my giggles. I ran up the school hallway to Finn and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Finn put his hands on my waist, I looked up at him and we both smiled. "I love you" he loosened his grip on my waist. "I - I'm- im sorry I can't do this" Finn ran off. My heart sunk, what have I done? I felt tears streaming down my face I couldn't bare the humiliation, I ran off crying. "Millie wait" Sadie called as she ran after me. "It's all my fault" "I've ruined everything". "No, no you haven't" she said patting my back. "You just shocked Finn that's all, you can talk it over tomorrow". "Everything will be ok, I promise". Sadie was my best friend I couldn't live without her.

Finn :
"I love you" those 3 words repeating in my head. I couldn't handle them, I ran off on her like a coward. I liked her, a lot but it was to soon to love her. That day all I could think about was Millie & I. I was thinking about apologising and getting back together but it felt wrong. I honestly thought breaking things off was the best option but how could i? Millie would be shattered, plus the reason was so embarrassing. The reason I wanted to break up is because I'm bi. Millie knew deep down I was because I would give her hints, it never seemed to bother her but it bothered me now because I think... I think I have a crush on a boy. His name is Noah schnapp (oh schnapp jk) it was hard to admit it to myself but why wouldn't I have a crush on him, he was nice, caring and not to mention a total hottie, uh... I mean he's slightly attractive. 'Thats it' I said loudly, everyone in my English class including Noah heard, 'fuck' I whispered. I'm going to break things off with Millie. It isn't right to like someone else other than your girlfriend. I'll do it tomorrow.

That afternoon after school I got home threw my bag on the floor and jumped on my bed. I whipped my phone out and started to text Gaten. Gaten was my best friend, I loved him like a brother.
To Gaten :
Hey man it's Finn, I decided I'm breaking it off with mills :(
To Finn:
Dude! Wtf, why?!?!
To Gaten :
I have a crush on someone else....
To Finn :
To Gaten :
Sorry man, but I have to tell you in person.
To Finn :
Fineeee. I'm coming over tomorrow at 8:00 am. Make sure to tell me everything!

Allegiance, Foah & Fillie ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang