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Osamu pouted, crossing his arms he let out a huff of annoyance "no asks? Seriously~? Aaahh~~~~!!! This is the worst!!"

His cousin, Seiji, raised an eyebrow though his face shows irritation, he didn't answered the older's whine though, mainly because he feel like he might lose more brain cells talking to him

"SEIJI-KUUUNNN!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!" Matsuno Osamu, only son of Matsuno Osomatsu and Osoko, acts like he's the leader of their small group, even if he was the second oldest, he's much like his dad, with the only key different of him knowing when he goes to far, his signature colour is orange

Matsuno Seiji, only son of Matsuno Karamatsu and Karako, is his partner you could say, he's the third eldest, which somehow made him curse with being the mother-hen of the group, he's like the bad/cool boy his father never became, he's signature colour is oceon blue "Osamu.. we're literally oc's!! Who the hell would want to ask about oc's!?"


Seiji smacked his face, groaning tiredly he sunk farther unto the couch "ugghhh~~~ i can't take this anymore~~"

"OSAMU~~!!! I'M BACK!!!!"

A grin immidietly found it's way towards Osamu face while Seiji gained a small smile "DAD!!!" Osamu enthusiastically exclaimed, getting up from the chair he was sitting on, nearly making it fall back, he zoomed towards the front door

A familiar face was taking of their shoe with that famous shit eating grin still painted on his face "hey buddy!" Osomatsu outstretched his arms towards his son which made Osamu immediately jumped into his father's awaiting arm "WELCOME BACK~~!!!"

Seiji watched from the couch, silently debating if the guy was really older then him "good evening uncle osomatsu!"

Osomatsu changed his attention from his son towards Seiji "seiji! What're you doing here this late" he laughed "karamatsu is gonna freak" osomatsu gained a thoughtfull look, putting osamu down he puts his chin between his thumb and pointer finger, making him look as if he was thinking "though that would be funny to watch..."

"That idiot son of yours dragged me into this ask book!" Seiji answered althewhile pointing towards the readers, which made both the red and orange matsuno turned towards the readers

"Eh!? Really!? Then how about adding me?" he jerked his thumb towards his chest, winking towards the two younger boys in the room with an annoying grin "with the eldest sextuplets here! It'll get popular no time!"

"Yeayy!!! Dad is gonna be in!!!"

"Popular my ass..."

*Matsuno Osomatsu is ready to receive your asks

"SEIJI!!!" and from next door you could hear a clearly distress blue matsu

Seiji sighed, cupping his face with one arm in annoyances "oh joy.." the sarcasm was clearly on his face

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