So here I am...and here I go.

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I hear Jeff in my ear, telling me to just go for it as I climb the turnbuckle to do my finisher, Heartbreaker. I jump off and execute my move to perfection, just like we had practiced. I get back up, quickly and pin Alicia. 1, 2, 3! I WON! I got up and the ref raised my hand as the announcer declares me the winner. The crowd went wild as 'Boys Wanna Be Her' rang out through the arena. I raised my hands up, and did a backflip off of the turnbuckle. I eventually made my way to the back with everyone high fiving me and giving me pats on the back (other than the haters). I get to the DIVAS locker room and find all my closest friends surrounding my locker. I tapped Brie on the shoulder. "What's going on, Brie? Why's everybody crowded around my locker?" She looked back at me like an excited kid on Christmas. "Someone left you a present! Open it!" She shoved the rectangle box in my hands as everyone crowded around me. A note was attached. I opened it and read it. 'Congrats on the match. I just knew you would win. Here's a little something to show off those legs that go for miles.- Justin' I rolled my eyes and handed Brie the note. She read it and squealed. "Justin really has a thing for you, doesn't he?" I nodded. "Well, when he can act like a gentleman instead of the perv he is, I'll consider a date with him. Until otherwise, no." I opened the gift. It was a very gorgeous pair of black Loubatons. "Well, at least he's a great gift giver, I'll give him that much." Nikki rolled her eyes and sat down beside me. "Will you at least wear what he got you? I mean, it's not every day Justin Gabriel sends a girl shoes, let alone Loubatons." I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah, that's because Gabriel wants to get in my pants and somehow thinks shoes and pretty words are the key." She shook her head. "Val, you are impossible." I shrugged. "That's me!"

Sorry this chapter is so short, I promise they won't all be this way.

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