Chapter 5

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Hi I don't own kaijudo rise of the duel masters that belongs to Hasbro i only own my OC.

Between episodes the taken and siphon

Sunny Pov

It's been a week since I stated school. I could tell you I thing that me and Carney aren't friends. In fact he played pranks on my first week. Right now it the end of the school day and I'm heading home. It seems that my dad is to busy with his job then to pick me up. All of a sudden I bump into Carney and to of his friends.

" Well look who it is." Carney said who had smirk on his face.

" Leave me alone Carny." I said as I tried to walk away from him and his friends but didn't succeeded.

" No how about we play a game?" He said but I know better then that. I know he's going to try to bully me by beating me up.

" No thanks i have to go home." I said and I ran away from them but unfortunately they were chasing me. after an hour i think i lost them. suddenly i found my self at a construction site. But the strange thing i saw a dragon like creature.

"OMG!" i said as i saw another creature but with Ray riding it. After Ray and his creature thing beat the dragon it disappear. I decided to step out of my hiding place.

"Ray?" I called his name and the he turned around.


when I turned around I was surprised that Sunny was here.

"Sunny what are you doing here?" I said quickly as I got off of Bob.

"Well I was chased by Carny and his friends when I was heading home and I just saw you here and the fighting of the two creatures." Sunny said as she walk towards me. Then I saw stalker spheres in view meaning Nigel is seeing this. I'm so in trouble with him since Sunny just witnessed this fight.

"Ray what's going on?" She said to me, but luckily and unexspected a brick fell from a damage wall from the fight. It fell on her head and knock her out. I cuaght her sunny in my arms before she hit the ground. Two seconds after I caught her my cell phone started to ring. When I see who it is, it was message from Nigel. The text said that he's coming to get Sunny and bring her home. While I was waiting I look down at Sunny and I thoungt that she's beutiful while she sleeps. My thought were interrupted by Bob.

"Ray he's here" Bob said as Nigel pulled up to the construction site. He went out of his car and carried Sunny in the car and left.

No one's POV

" what do we have here" said a person hinding in the shadows. It steps out just as Ray and Nigel left. It revealed it was Alakshmi.

"Now why would Nigel care for a child unless there both connected somehow." Alakshmi said to her self. " if I found a connection between those two, it will give the Choten a advantage." With that she left to do some research.

Nigel Pov

At Nigel's house

i can't belive Sunny was in that incident with the creatures. Hopefully she thinks it was a dream when she wakes up. It looks like Sunny is going to be ok, she'll wake up in the morning with a headache that all.

I had alittle help in this chapter from Sami-SDGForc.

please comment.

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