I glanced over to Kira, my girlfriend, who was asleep. I didn't want to cheat behind her back, but I knew this wouldn't happen if I just send a text back to her.

So, I replied with:

keithpowers: Hi, Desiree. Haven't spoken to you in a while. How's life been treating you? 😊

Suddenly, I noticed a few seconds later, she was typing back. We continued our conversation:

chocobunny24: Life's been good. Man, we haven't seen each other in two years.

keithpowers: Yeah, haha.

chocobunny24: Ha..I miss your smile and laugh, baby. Now, your current girlfriend can have all of that. She's lucky and I'm jealous.

keithpowers: Yeah, I love my girlfriend very much and I wouldn't cheat on her.

chocobunny24: Aww, but cmon, baby. You know you want me back. Remember what we used to do?

keithpowers: That's in the past...😐

chocobunny24: I'll send you a pic of me and let's see if you really miss me 😏💙

keithpowers: Desiree, don't start 😠


keithpowers: Don't send me any more

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keithpowers: Don't send me any more. I've already found the girl I truly love 😐

chocobunny24: Urgh...you and that girl! You don't miss me one bit though, baby? I mean, c'mon, you don't miss our times together?

keithpowers: No.

chocobunny24: I'm gonna blow up your phone and I'll have your girlfriend think you're cheating if you don't come by to see me today. 😏👌

keithpowers: I don't have time for your foolishness. My girlfriend is waking up and I need to give her her morning kisses. Bye.

chocobunny24: You'll regret it one day, Powers....you WILL regret this....bye. 😕👋

I put my phone back on my nightstand and turned toward Kira to see her stretching and yawning like a little girl.

"G'morning, Keith." She greeted me in between her yawns.

I smiled brightly and replied,"Good morning to you, too, babe."

While rubbing her eyes, she smirked and said,"Where are my morning kisses?"

I rolled my eyes, playfully, and leaned in toward her. Our lips were about five inches away from each other. We just stayed in that position for about thirty seconds.

"I love you so much, Kira. You just don't understand, baby girl." I said to her before kissing her lips.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist.

Friends to Lovers {ktp} | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now