Chapter #20: After The Movie (Ryan's P.O.V )

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We finished watching the movie, I was almost asleep, but I was still laughing at how awkward the movie is, besides Chloe and I would kiss every 5 minutes, like that wasn't bad, but it's just weird, who does that? I mean, that could also mean we're the one & Only Rove, I guess, we're crazy and in love, so why not?

So, we finished watching the movie and all I could think of, besides Chloe, was waking up a little and then watching "Grown Ups 2" I mean I always think of Chloe, so that's one thing to keep in mind when you talk to me about what I'm thinking of, so I finally told Chloe "Soooo, what if we watch the second one" She nodded, but then said "Wait, I just need something to like wake me up before I fall asleep in the middle of the movie" I nodded, it looked like I was thinking of something, but it was just because I was tired and stuff, so then I said "Same, I'm really sleepy, but first, a kiss" I was kinda pointing at my cheek, but also touching it so... She rolled her eyes really cutely and then, turned back and when she was about kiss my cheek, I turned around and made her kiss my lips, luckily, she returned the kiss and we both laughed, then she says "Like you used to do before right?!" I smiled and smirked a little, then said "Maybe..." She laughed and ran into the kitchen looking for something to drink that could wake her up.

When she finally found what she was looking for and actually made it, she came back to where I was, the movie was already set up and I played it, we started doing what we did the last time,  it was weird to kiss every 5 minutes of a movie like I said, but it was also fun, I said that too, didn't I?

When the movie was finally over, It was really late, or should I say early? It was 3am, yep we stayed really long watching movies, but hey, it was definitely worth it, I found it amazing to be having a Movie Night with her again after all. It was quite enjoyable to have her around, she just makes my day, my week, my month, my year, my existence! We were tired, so we decided to go to bed, we cuddled up and then fell asleep, but before that could happen my phone rang, well... It was an alarm, it told me about my blood sugar and when I had to stab my finger with the machine and stuff so to speak, it was sounding really early, because I left it, and if I just let it be like I did, it'd eventually sound 3 hours later, the song that was playing was Make You Stay, for this week it was gonna be Make You Stay, but I change it every week, so when it sounded, I finally listened to it because it had sounded good 3 times before that, and I hadn't minded, so I let it be, but this time I woke up and stabbed my finger and stuff, my blood sugar was good, so I didn't need to do anything, sooo I obviously went to sleep.

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