Chapter 2

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Harry Potter
Me and Luna walked across the grounds towards transfiguration. First years tripped over our feet and stumbled around, bringing me back to the days when me Ron and Hermione were friends without any problems. Now, as we've grown up, our feelings and sensitivity have grown aswell.
"I'll head off to the library in a while Harry." said Luna
" Oh ok. Anyway,Luna,I was wondering if you, you know,wanted to come to-"
"Slughornns Christmas party with you? Of course! I've never been asked to a party before! Anyways, I must be heading off now,so goodbye Harry,I'll see you later" Luna called,as she skipped down the hall.
Harry stood there dumbstruck.A playful smile danced across his face. Luna was as cheerful as the next person, but her surprising nature couldn't be beat.Harry felt himself being shifted towards Luna, his affections growing.Once he looked at her grey sea blue eyes, he couldn't get out.
" Harry? Come on, we'll be late for next lesson!" It was Rosa Greenly ,a Gryffindor in my year. She had strawberry blonde hair falling down her back in waves and dark green eyes. Ginger freckles were scattered across her rosy cheeked face, and her lips were tinted a shade of petal pink.
"Honestly Harry,McGonagall won't be happy." Rosa had been rumoured to have a crush on me but I thought she was too...good. I thought there was nothing unique about her, unlike Luna. (Rosa actually was desperately in love with Harry,and spent every waking moment trying to get him to notice her.
They walked through the door into transfiguration. Rosa tried to get a seat near Harry, but instead she ended up next to Draco, who didn't really talk much now.
"Excuse me Draco, which page is the spell on?"
Draco stared at me with his icy eyes

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