Start from the beginning

"What does that mean? What's a sticky maple?" You asked your friends, Kevin simply shrugged then you turn to Veronica who looked angry. "A sticky maple is a term used when slut shaming!" Veronica exclaimed, you looked down at you shoes as you felt a tear escape your eye.

All you could think about is how you made a fool out of yourself. Archie was right, he would hurt you. Veronica grabbed your hand, and stomped toward the boys change room dragging you behind. You continuously called Veronica's name, telling her to stop. But she didn't listen she was determined to get revenge on Chuck for hurting her best friend.

She opened the door to the change room, and you could smell all the sweat being produced from the boys. Veronica continued to push through saying 'excuse me' and 'move'. You behind her covering your eyes, but stopped walking when you bumped into Archie. Who was pretty much naked except for the towel hanging around his waist.

You couldn't help but stare at his abs, but you got snapped out of your thoughts when Archie started talking. "Veronica, (Y/N)...what are you guys doing here?" Archie asked obviously confused as to why girls - let alone his friends were in a boys change room.

"Don't worry about" you says carelessly, trying to walk past Archie but he stopped you, he then tried to speak but you cut him off "I mean it Andrews, hit the showers and stay out of our way" you snap, taking matters into your own were not going to let Chuck get away with what he did to you.

You finally reached Chuck, Archie standing close behind. You clear your throat, Chuck spun around to be met with a angry Veronica, but Veronica was the least of his worries you were furious. "Woah, ladies right on time" he says with a smirk on his face, that would soon change.

You hold the phone up to his face showing him the photo of you with the sticky maple. "This is disgusting, take it down" he chuckles then looks around to his friends before saying, "whoa, why you so wound up, this is a badge of honour." You scoff disgusted with the boy that stood before you, "you are not allowed to go around humiliating girls, for any reason under any under circumstance. You jerk" Veronica fires back.

"What's going on?" Archie asks, to be honest you had forgot he was there, Veronica decides to answer for you "Chuck over here has slut shamed (Y/N)." Archie looks over to you with a concerned look, but you were too focused on Chuck "let's keep this simple so your preppy, murderer, half-brain can grasp it. Take. This. The hell down!" You yell.

Chuck takes a step forward, and leans down so head level with your face, "ya that high tone, bitch attitude may work on other guys you've dated, but your in bulldog territory." Then suddenly one of chucks friends jumps up and starts barking, it scares you but you don't give him the satisfaction of knowing it.

"Now please, fight back" he challenges, challenge accepted. You raise your fist and punch him in the face, you maybe short and quite skinny, but you could pack a punch and Veronica and Archie knew it. He falls back, but some of the guys catch him before he hits the ground.

You flash him a sweet/evil smile before walking out of the room.


You were walking home, thinking about the day. You were proud of yourself that you stood up to Chuck, he ended up taking down the post, probably afraid of what you would do if he didn't. But you were glad, you put your foot down and it worked, Chuck will never mess with you again. But it could have all been avoided, if you hadn't said yes to Chuck, and listened to Archie.

You got snapped out of your thoughts by someone calling your name, you turn around to see Archie running up to you. "Hey I just wanted to make sure you were ok after everything that happened today, I'm sorry I was no help" he said looking down at the ground, "Archie you were there you saw me punch him, did it look like I needed help?" You say, your comment coming out a bit more rude then you wanted it to.

Archie grabbed your arm spinning you toward him, you look up at him confused and shocked. "Archie what are you..." You stop mid sentence, because you were surprised when he placed his hand on your cheek. "When you told me you were going in a date with Chuck, I was so hurt. I thought all my chances with you were gone, but when you stood up to Chuck, I realized that you didn't need my help, you don't need me." He says disappointed.

You were shocked at the words coming out of his mouth, what was he trying to say? "That's where your wrong, I do need you, I did all of that because of you." You sigh realizing that everything you did was wrong. "I wanted you to be jealous, I wanted to know how you really felt about me so tell me, how do you feel about me?" You ask

"I love you, your so perfect everything that you, and- and your so god damn gorgeous. You don't deserve me." He states looking down, you lift up his head but he still doesn't make eye contact with you. "Archie, Arch look at me" you command, he finally makes eye contact. "You don't know how wrong you are Archie" you say, before pulling him down so he's level with you.

You both share a passionate kiss full of love. You pull apart and rest on each other's foreheads. "I love you too Archibald, I love you too."

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