I wonder where I should go?

Începe de la început

Me: Who's there?!

Kino: Do you remember me?

Me: Y-you are...

He smirked at me.

Kino: I'm come to get you.

I ran away. I looked back if he's chasing me. I think I lost him!

"The next day..."

"The sakamaki brothers went to school. Exept for Ayato."

Me: Where's Ayato kun?

Laito: B-chan. Where were you last night? I was looking for you.

Me: U-um me. I um...

Kanato: I'm also disappointed.

Me: Kanato kun?

Kanato: You could've escaped!

Laito: Chill Kanato.

Laito: Hey b-chan.

Laito: A certain someone ditched school.

Kanato: You mean Ayato?

Me: Ayato skipped school?

I just realized that they disappeared. Why would he skip school? Was he looking for me?

"School was over"

I decided to go to the lake to see if he's there. I looked around to see if he's here. Looks like she's not here. I just realized someone hugged me from behind.

Ayato: Don't turn around.

Me: Are you feeling sad?

Ayato: Huh?! No way.

Me: Are you angry?

Ayato: I'm angry because of you pancake!

Me: Eh?! Me?!

Ayato: I'm pissed because you make me do this kind of thing.

Me: I'll leave it at that.

I just realized he stopped hugging me from behind.

Me: Ayato kun?

Ayato: Stay away from me!

Me: W-what?

I watched him walk away. What's wrong with him lately? My heart dropped. I ran up to him and held his wrist.

Me: What's wrong with you?!

Ayato: Oi! Hands off me!

I realized Ayato looks dizzy. I touched his forehead.

Me: Do you have a fever?!

Ayato: Get your hands off yours truly!

The Words That I needed To Hear The Most (Yui&Ayato)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum