The Fire's Demise

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The Fire's Demise

You seek to make ends, to the wrongs they have done

With claims of what's just, too quick to point wrongs

But there once was a fire, that ravaged the land

Built from the hatred, and the hands of a man

It caused a great fear, the townspeople scattered

All except one, for to him 'twas no matter

He said "Fire is vicious, but vengence is worst"

Thrust forward in the mind, like a violent curse

And so to the one, who stands to make right

Go softly my boy, through the dark of the night

Remember my warning, of the fire that burns

And the illusion of justice, for which you most yearn

Your virtues of vengence, held high upon lies

Fading like embers, of the fire's demise

Smoldering softly against the silhouette of life

For at the end of destruction, 'twas the fire that died.

J. Douglas Stephenson

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