Aphorism Manga Fanfic - Kemono

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Rin Kobaruto stared at the poster. 

Naraka High School!


Right now, your future and your world are starting to change from a time of academic education to that of physical education.

The island in the sky, floating high above Naraka City. Rin had always seen it, but he had never really thought about it until he had seen the poster.

Now he took it off the notice board outside the community centre where he played tennis and stuffed it into his bag. Hopping onto his bike, Rin pedaled off home while thinking hard about the flyer.

Should I sign up? My grades are quite good as of now...and I'm all set to get into a good class next year. Should I risk it? But it says here that anyone that graduates from this school can immediately go anywhere after that. Maybe I'll go home and ask Dad.

Rin lived at home with his little sister Tsubaki and his father Konisawa. Rin's mother had died five years ago during a car accident that had involved his best friend Kizuato Lee's dad. They had met together on the first day of school. While everyone else was chatting and making new friends, Rin had hung back and watched gloomily.

Then he had noticed a small girl sitting down in her chair and crying. Walking over he had asked her what was the problem. "Nothing... my dad went away on a really long trip. And he still hasn't come back for a month." She gulped, and her eyes had started brimming with tears again.

"He didn't even say goodbye to me." "And your point is?" Added Rin brusquely. "My mom is gone too. And I'm not bawling."

After a few tense minutes of conversation, both eventually realised that each others parents had died at exactly the same place and time. Comforting each other, a new friendship had been struck up.

In the present, Rin opened the door, stepped in and slammed it shut again. "Dad, I'm back!" "RIIN!" Konisawa rushed to hug his son and Rin quickly stepped to one side. Konisawa abruptly smashed into the door. "Dad," said Rin, rolling his eyes, "Don't be stupid. And move. I need to change out of my clothes. Kizuato's coming over later, and I don't want to be dressed in a sweaty shirt and shorts when she comes for dinner."

"Is this what I think it means? Does my boy finally care about his appearance?" "Eh, shut up." Rin stepped inside his room, shut the door and locked it. He exhaled slowly.

One hour later, at five o' clock, somebody knocked on Rin's door. Removing his earpieces, Rin got up to unlock his door. Opening it, Rin saw Kizuato. "Woah. What did you do to your hair?" Kizuato blushed.

Normally, Kizuato would tie her long, dry, mid-back legth hair into a low, unflattering ponytail. But now it shone when she moved, and hung down in a pitch black sheet until the end of her shoulder blades. Rin was struck by how her new hairstyle made her look so beautiful.

Then he shook his head. What was he thinking? Kizuato was his best friend, and she was more interested in those big English singers. She wouldn't even care about a fully Japanese guy like him, she'd prefer those half Chinese like her, or at least something else. Who knew how those girls thought?

"My...mom brought me for a haircut. Is it okay?" Kizuato blushed furiously. "It's fine, don't worry." Rin was confused. Why did she care so much? Didn't she know she already looked wonderful, even before the haircut?

"Anyway, I want you to look at this." Rin walked over to the dresser and showed her the flyer. He had placed it on his dresser after looking at it. "Naraka High School..." She looked up. "So. Are you saying you wanna go?" "Duh." Kizuato looked at him sceptically. "Can you actually see the floating island? If it's yes, then show it to me."

"There." Rin whipped his hand out to point out the window, and Kizuato went to look. There it was. The strange floating island. From Rin's perspective, it seemed like it was only a handspan away from the sun.  "What the- I can see it too!" "What's strange about that?"

"You don't get it. I've never even seen it until now." Kizuato shook her head slowly. "It looks so weird." "So..." said  Rin apprehensively, "What do you think about it? Should I apply?"

"Frankly, it sounds like a scam. You can go anywhere after you graduate?" Kizuato stared at him. "I don't know." Rin swallowed. I"'ll bring it up later to dad."

"Hey! I got an idea!" Rin shot his head up. "Want to apply with me?" "What, me? I-"

Tsubaki crashed through the closed door to bang it open. "Yo. You guys wanna eat? Dad made  ramen. If you guys don't want your share, I'll get it. So don't want it." She whisked it shut again. Rin put his hands on his head and moaned, "Why is my whole family so violent?"

Kizuato giggled and stood up. "Come on. Let's go for some of that ramen."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2012 ⏰

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