The Morning After

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Declan's POV:

Ever since New Year's, things have been a little off between us... And by us, I mean Jordan and I because we all know that Naomi and Bennett is the best ship in this universe.

Perhaps, I should rewind and explain the events that occurred after the party.

During the countdown, Jordan and I seemed to have had an accident. A GODDAMN GOOD ACCIDENT, I might add. As the fireworks went off, we broke apart to catch our breath. Just as we were about to go into our second round, I thought, Wait a minute, where's Bennett and Naomi? Turns out, my otp sailed since Jordan and I caught them making out. Let me just state my opinion on the whole ordeal- ABOUT DAMN TIME!

Bennett made the smart choice on making us ride the bus to and from the party because, truth be told, we're super drunk right now. And tired. Like hella tired. With that being said, we all stumbled our way inside the base and we went our seperate ways. Naomi went with Bennett into his room and I followed Jordan into his room. It's going to be one hell of hangover tomorrow. At least I get to snuggle with Jordan...


I woke up to Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt- Suite No. 1 "Morning Mood". Hungover me tends to hear classical music; don't ask why, but that's how it's been for the past year. You know the whole thing where if you drink so much you won't remember anything? Well, I say it's all BS! You'll always remember what happened, the difference, however, is that it'll be foggy at  first. But the memory clears up nonetheless. You're probably scratching your head thinking, "Declan, what the frick frack are you talking about?" Well kids, you're about to find out in



"I'm going to ask you this one time. Where are we?"

"Yeah? I'll do you one better. Who are we?"

"I'll do you one better! Why are we here?"

Throughout this whole interrogation (if you can even call it that), a new song popped into my head: In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg. Huh, I guess Grieg is my theme guy today.

I turned to face "He Who Drives Me Insane". "Jordan, as much as I enjoy our interrogation time, where's Naomi and Bennett?"

"We've been standing here for the past 15 minutes, Declan" Bennett chimed.

Jordan and I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Bennett! Naomi!" cries Jordan, frantically trying to cover his bare chest, "Don't look at me! I'm hideous!"

"Jordan, shut up," Naomi laughed, "Put a shirt on, lovebirds. There's breakfast that must be eaten." She walks out gestering Bennett to come with her. Bennett smirks at us acting as if he's all-knowing- ugh, who am I kidding? Bennett sees and Bennett knows.

"Did she just call us 'lovebirds'?" I'm offended!"

"Jordan, why would you be offended?"

He quirks an eyebrow at me and says, "We aren't lovebirds. We're two bros chilling in a bed now, no feet apart 'cause we're both gay."

I reached for the nearest pillow and smacked him with it. "What is it with you and misquoting vines?"

"I'm a class clown icon in this society and therefore I must quote vines either correctly or incorrectly." Jordan stretches and proceeds to slide off the bed, "Anyways, Naomi's right, it's time to eat."

I relunctantly proceed to get off the bed and follow Jordan's example. We both put our shirts on and then headed towards the kitchen. Judging by the look that Naomi gave us, we're going to have the talk and I am not looking forward to that.

Author's Note:

Christ on a cracker! Has it really been four years since I last updated this story? The answer is "yes", unfortunately. I'm REALLY sorry about not updating reader-chan!! I've been really busy with school, but still, that's no excuse for me to leave you with a cliffhanger! The good news is that I'm going to be able to update since- DRUMROLL PLEASE!- I'm graduating high school this year! Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and, as always, if you have any ideas or prompts for future chapters, please feel free to message me! I promise I'll try to update more often!
Much love,
Peruvian Phoenix

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