Our first day pt 2

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Gabbies pov

I heard a slight knock at my door as Im getting out of the shower.

"Who is it?" I ask

"Its just me" Heavynne answers

"Okay, come in"

"Are you nervous?" she asks

"No, Im fucking terrified!"

We both laugh

"Cause same!" she says between laughs.

"Okay, now get out so I can get dressed!"

"Okay. Talk to you later" she responds.

Since its our first day I want to look really nice. So I sit down at my vanity and do a very soft pink look. After, I go to my closet and grab out a white crop top and my baby pink skater skirt with my white and baby pink combat heels.

Heavynnes POV

Its been like half an hour and the whole time I was on my phone taking pictures and showing off how cute I look. I head down stairs and see Gabbie at the island eating. I decide to take out my phone and take a picture of her eating and post it on snapchat saying "Isn't my beautiful sister just cute" but as soon as I posted it she looked at me and gave me a death stare.

"Delete that right now!"

"Umm. To late? I already posted it and like five people have seen it"

"You son of a bitch! I will get you back"

"Im sorry!?" I say in a worried tone

"Oh yeah you will!"

Soon enough my phone went off saying that it was 7:20.

"Shit! We gotta go before we miss the bus!"


"Bye mom I love you!" we say at the exact same time

"Bye my lovelies, and remember you are beautiful no matter what anyone says" she says back

We get to the bus stop and I smell something so good and obviously gabbie did to cause she turned to me.

"One of the guys in front of us smells really good!" she whispers

"I know right!" I whisper back

"Oh look the bus is almost here!" someone shouts out

Everyone turns away from their conversations to look.

"Yass, are you ready gabbie cause it either back out now or go on with today?"

"Im so fucking ready now lets go!"

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