Ginoza x Inspector!OC [One Shot/Short story]

Start from the beginning

There's a surprise for my new friend/subordinate.

"Hurry up!" -I shouted through my rolled down window.

Ginoza sped up with his dog, Dime, on a leash.

"Do you mind if he comes?"

"Sure, another dog in my car won't make a difference." -I winked at him. I was teasing him, of course, for all the hard time he gave his subordinates.

"You laugh now!" -he let Dime in the backseat of my car. "But you'll regret this joke." -he sat next to me. "Where are we going? I thought you wanted some pre-drinks at mine?"

"Just a little detour..." -I said. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving you two at the pound!"

"You're awful, Hayashi." -he rolled his eyes at me, but smiled. It suited him well.

He wore a white shirt and a brown trench coat over it, and if I noticed correctly, jeans.

"Why won't you call me by my first name?"

"Because I'm your dog." -he nudged me. "We can't be BFFs."

"Fine, Gino. Whatever floats your boat!" -I knew he didn't mean it. There are certain rules, but you can always be at least polite to your subordinates.

We drove for a while, before I stopped at the cemetery.

I looked for the 3 glasses and the bottle of Scotch I prepared for this evening.

"Today's dad's birthday. You remembered?" -Gino looked at me, half surprised, half amazed.

"Of course!" -I handed him the bottle. "This was his favourite."

"I know..."

"Let's give him a birthday cheer, hm?"

"I can't believe..." -Gino was caressing the letters on the bottle. "You're the best boss."

"Ok, save your compliments after you heard my speech to Pops!"

"You prepared a speech?"

"No, that's why you won't be complimenting me afterwards."

Gino laughed.

"How do you do this?"

"What?" -I raised an eyebrow.

"You can always make people smile. Even in awful situations."

"Hush!" -I scoffed. "Shall we?" -Gino nodded. "Come on, Dime!"

Gino took the bottle and Dime, while I brought the glasses.

Even though it was June, it was a little bit chilly.

After a minute or two walking, we were in front of Masaoka's grave.

"Hi, Pops!" -I started. "We just wanted to wish you happy birthday, in a way you'd love it." -I poured some whiskey in all 3 glasses, handed one to Gino, kept one for myself and put a glass by Masaoka's headstone. "Cheers!" -I gently bumped my glass with his and downed my drink quickly. "Ew, it tastes like acid, Pops!" -I exclaimed. Gino let out a little chuckle.

"Hi, dad..." -Gino whispered, and knelt in front of his father's grave.

I knew he needed time alone.

I gently got the leash out of his hand and walked away with Dime.

I was waiting for Gino in the parking lot, walking around with Dime. I was pretty sure the dog was in charge of which way we're supposed to go and at what speed!

"Dime! Slow down!" -I pulled his leash. "Down, boy!"

He looked at me with his brown eyes, but then ignored my command. At least the Enforcers obey me!

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