Tyra Grace Coulson

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Age: 17

Family: Tracy Williams-mother (deceased), Phil Coulson- adopted father

Alias: Mirage

Birthday: December 24, 1995

Height: 5'8" (68 inches)

Affiliation: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Occupation: Field Officer

Species: Inhuman(?)

Citizenship: America

Appearance: Tyra is a pretty, young girl with long blonde haired girl and crystal blue eyes and her hair curls naturally and is often worn down or up in a ponytail.She has a peaches-and-cream skin tone and a willowy, statuesque, and toned body type. She is also, almost always, wearing her Daughter Pride ring, on her right ring finger, that her Dad gave her when she turned thirteen. The ring has her dad's birthstone, a ruby, and her birthstone, a blue topaz.

 The ring has her dad's birthstone, a ruby, and her birthstone, a blue topaz

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Personality: Tyra is a brave, strong-willed, and confident person. Though a little head strong, Tyra knows when to follow orders and when the needs of others comes first. Tyra is also a gentle person and is very kind to those she is close with. Tyra is serious, has a strong set of morals values, and is practical and always puts the needs and wellbeing of others before herself on missions. She picked up on Phil Coulson's humorous side, resulting in her also being witty and sarcastic.

Abilities: Tyra possess the ability to use magic (in the form of invisibility, telekinesis, hypnosis, conjuring, and illusions). Tyra has what she calls a "Danger Sense" that has allowed her to sense when she is in danger, or in a dangerous situation, and can use it to sense if the people she has a strong bond with, are in danger. She is also stronger, faster, more agile, has greater durability, and more stamina then the average human. She also heals faster then humans.

Skills: Tyra is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, having been taught by Natasha Romanoff. Expert use of a bow, due to training from Clint Barton. She was also trained in Spying skills from a young age and is now an expert spy and even knows how to hack most electronic devices. Tyra also knows a few other languages besides English such as Russian, Chinese, ASL, and German. Due to her skills, she is the youngest S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent and the youngest Agent to have a Level 7 Clearance.

•Recurve Bow-Tyra's bow has been modified to make up for her enhanced strength and also allows her arrows to shoot faster.
•Trick Arrows- Like Clint Barton, Tyra has specialized arrows.
•Collapsible Escrima Sticks- Similar to Natasha's Black Widows Batons and can deliver electrical shocks and can be attached at the ends to make one long escrima staff.
•Smith & Wesson M&P- the standard sidearm carried by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
•9mm Smith & Wesson- a handgun that was gifted to her when she was thirteen by Natasha Romanoff.
•Ghostrike Knife-Tyra has this small, lightweight, knife hidden in her right boot.
•Ghostrike Punch Knife-Tyra has two of these small, light-weight, knives on the back of her belt.
•Flash Bombs-carried in a small pocket on her utility belt.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Uniform- Black pants with a blue stripe up the sides. A black zip up jacket with blue stripes up the sleeves, and she has her sleeves rolled up to her elbow. She also wears black combat boots, fingerless gloves, and a black utility belt.

Past: Tyra doesn't remember much of her past, just that she had a mother who was killed when she was kidnapped by a group of men at the age of six. She was taken and experimented on but was rescued be S.H.I.E.L.D. when she was seven. After she was rescued she was taken in by Phil Coulson. She asked to be trained and become a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent and began training when she was nine. One thing that was always storage to Tyra was that whenever she was scared or panicking or in trouble, she would hear a voice, and the voice would sooth her and comfort her. To this day she has no idea who the voice may belong to. It is unknown to S.H.I.E.L.D. how she came to be stronger than the average human and assume it may be a result of the experiments that she went through when she was six or that she may be an Inhuman.

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