"Really? Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, now you two have a good day.", he says and leaves.

"So should we ditch the coffee and get ice cream instead?", I say and smirk.

"That actually sounds really good.", she says and smiles.

"Well, let's go.", I reply and she throws her bag over her shoulder.

I hold the door for her, and she thanks me. Once we step outside of the shop, I see two or three paps and simply ignore them, until I realize Alexy and I are still holding hands.

"Umm, Alexy? We are still holding hands.", I say and try to laugh it off.

"Oops, I forgot.", she says and laughs as well.

"So do you want to walk to an ice cream shop or drive over there?"

"It is fine if we walk. There is an ice cream shop at the end of this street."

I nod my head and we contnue walking for another five minutes. We finally arrive, and I order a chocolate cone, with double scoop. Alexy orders a mint chocolate chip cone with double scoop as well. I decide to pay the ice creams, and ignore Alexy after she told me she wanted to pay.

"Not fair Niall, I wanted to pay."

"Well isn't that too bad."

"I'm going to get some napkins, why don't you look for a table?"


As I look for a table, a group of girls come toward me and recognize me. They ask for pictures and of course I said yes. After they left, I go back to looking for a table and see there is none available.

"Alexy, there is no more tables left."

"Aww, that sucks. How about we just walk around?", she asks.

"Or, we can go to the park that is right across the street? That way paps can leave us alone as well."

She nods her head in agreement and we cross the street. We go to the park and sit under a tree.

"It is so hot in LA!"

"I know, it is like this on a daily basis, it gets annoying. I want cold weather!", she replies.

"Really? I love hot weather.You can go to the beach, wear tank tops and do much more. You can't really do that in London."

"I know but in London it rains alot, I love it when it rains. It is really rare when it does. I'd rather be cuddled in warm blankets, drinking hot cocoa and watching movies."

"That is true, I love staying in. So you didn't really tell me about yourself..."

"Well, what do you want to know?", she asks.


"Well I'm Alexy, Alexy Collins. I feel like my first and last name don't really go together, but whatever it was my parents choice. I'm nineteen right now, but I'll be turning twenty in October 19th. I love reading, it is one of my passions. I have an older brother and sister. I'm from California, obviously. I want to either be an author or paediatrician. I love the show American Horror Story. I can listen to any type of music, and I'm bllingual."

"You are bilingual? What other language do you speak?"

"Spanish, I don't really talk Spanish at home, it is really rare; but, if we go to my grandmother's house we just speak spanish and only spanish."

"Well you know, I can speak spanish."

"Really that is impressive. What can you say?"

"Oh, well I can't say complete sentences but I know some words."

"Alright then, Niall, tell me more about yourself."

"Well I'm Niall, Niall Horan. I'm twenty, and from Ireland. I like to travel, play the guitar and sing. I can honestly say I'm happy with my life and I love my job. I like to watch movies, especially Step Brothers! I, also, can listen to any type of music. I have an older brother and I love football, or as you guys call it, soccer."

"What is another of your favorite movies?", she responds.

"Well, Grease is pretty good."

"You are kidding right?"

"What, no! Why?", I ask.

" I love Grease so much, I've always had an obssesion with it since a kid."

"Really? So, I guess we are very similar."

"I guess we are!"

She leans back on the tree, and puts her head on my shoulder. We watch our observations and see kids playing on the playground. We sit and silence, and for some reason the silence isn't awkward nor uncomfortable; in fact, it was wonderful and filled me with calmness and peace. It made forget about everything bad and appreciate life.

"This is so peaceful.", i say and cut the silence.

"It is, I needed that.", she replies and sighs.

"So did I."

"You know what is funny? We sound so different from each other, you have such a lovely accent. I love it, unlike mine, it is plain and boring."

I chuckle, "Thanks babe, but trust me I love your accent."

"Babe? Oh yeah you are my boyfriend, right?", she says and playfully winks remembering today's events.

"I sure am!"

"Do you think we actually tricked him?"

"Yeah, he seemed pretty pissed when I held your hand."

"Good, I hate that douchebag."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you two?"

"Well, he is my ex boyfriend. He was actually my first boyfriend, and we broke up two months ago.Why you may ask? I found out he was cheating on me throughout the whole relationship.."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Alexy, honestly. You didn't deseve that to happen to you, but he doesn't deseve you."

"Thanks Niall. I try my best not to let it get to me, but why would someone do something so harsh to me? Especially a person you once loved...", she says as a tear rolls down her cheek.

I hug her, and she hugs me right back. She her body changes from tense to calm as I hold her. She leans in my shoulder, and I let her cry it out. Why would someone want to her? We pull away and I wipe away her tears, and she sends me a warm smile.

I look down at my hands and ask her quietly, "So I'm guessing you are not over him, are you?"


Sorry that I haven't updated till now, I've been really busy at the moment, and something serious happened. I needed to be with my loved ones, and hope you guys can understand and respect that. love you all xoxo

I, also, posted a picture of Alexy in the sidebar. Yes, she is played by Lily Collins (: x

Fallen (Niall Horan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora