The Last Letter

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Dear Dean,

By the time you read this, I will be long gone. I won't tell you where I'm going, and there's no point in trying to find me. You can't stop me. I know what I must do, and I know I must do it now. I likely won't survive this battle, and there's something I must tell you before I go.
The eight years I have spent with you have been the best of my life. It was a wild ride, and we've each died many times throughout it. Still, I don't regret it for a moment. You've shown me things I never thought possible. You taught me to make my own choices. You taught me to always do the right thing. And you've taught me to love.
An angel isn't capable of such feelings, but you continue to defy the world's rules, as you've done since the day we met. It would be impossible to describe how much you mean to me; impossible to put into words how I feel about you. It would be just as difficult to list every reason I love you, but I will try anyway.
You're the most selfless person I have ever encountered in my incredibly long life. Since the moment we met, you have put everyone else before yourself. When you've had to choose between yourself or the world, you'd pick the world every time, no matter what the consequences would be for yourself.
Even with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you still manage to keep a sense of humor. Even if I don't always understand the references you make, just seeing you happy is enough to make me feel the same. I could listen to your jokes for hours on end, not understanding a word you say, and it would still bring me joy just to watch you laugh.
The list of reasons I love you go on and on, and to write them all would take years. Unfortunately, that is time I do not have. I've wanted to tell you this for the last eight years, though the opportunity never presented itself. Now I know I have to make the opportunity, so here it is. I love you, Dean Winchester. I have since the moment I raised you from hell, and I will until the moment of my death.
Before I leave, there is one more thing I must tell you, because I know I most likely will not live to see you again and tell you in person. These are words I am sure you're familiar with; they come from a song by an artist you love, Kansas. Just take a moment to read them, to truly see what they mean, and remember this.
Hold on. Baby hold on. 'Cause it's closer than you think, and you're standing on the brink. Hold on. Baby hold on. 'Cause there's something on the way. Your tomorrow's not the same as today.
I love you, Dean. Remember that. You are loved, more than you know. Please don't forget that. Don't forget me.

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