Chapter Two: Who Needs Sleep?

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A disaster, Marie thought as she closed the door behind her. Kyle's first day at school had ended in disaster. At 12:30 she had received a call that Kyle has pushed another student down during recess. Not my son, she had said. The girl had fallen and scraped her hand on a rock, and was probably going to need stitches. In front of her her son stood silently, hands crammed into his pockets, tears threatening his cheeks.

"Kyle, what happened?"

"Nothing, I was playing." He mumbled to the floor.

"You pushed her because you were playing?"

"No, I was playing with Baal. She kept wanting me to play house, but we were busy." Marie sighed. Baal... she thought.

"Why didn't you and Baal want to play with her?"

"Baal found a praying-mantis, we were watching it eat. Alison thought it was gross and wanted us to come play with her. I said no, and she stepped on it and then started crying like a baby."

"So you pushed her for stepping on the praying-mantis?"

"No, Baal did."

"Baal did," She repeated. "Kyle, tomorrow you're going to apologize to her."

"But Baal-"

"No one can see Baal, right? You have to apologize for him." His face lit up and he nodded. Marie knew her son. He had never been mean to anyone before. This Baal must be some kind of outlet for his emotions. She reasoned with herself. She was going to call someone.

"Goodnight honey." Marie hovered in Kyle's doorway, teetering over the stairs.

"Night, Mommy."

"No night terrors tonight?"

"Baal's got me." Marie smiled. If this imaginary friend kick of his was going to allow her a full nights sleep, she welcomed it, despite the earlier incidents today.

"Alright," She chuckled. "Love you."

"Love you."


Ready to play?

"Yeah! I'm not tired at all." Kyle threw his blankets off.

Good, read me something. Baal cooed, glancing at his bookshelves. What do you like

"Space!" He cried in a hush voice. Hours went by and Kyle showed Baal all of his favourite books.

"Kyle?" He glanced up from his dinosaur encyclopedia at his mother.

"Good morning, Mommy."

"How long have you been awake, honey?"

Don't tell her.

Lie? Kyle thought against it.

A white lie. She'll worry if you tell her you haven't slept.

"Just a bit..." His face heated and his mouth tugged into a smile.

Relax your face, smile with your eyes, then yawn. He did as he was told, a bit ungracefully.

"I see, do you want some breakfast, Mister early bird?"

"Yes." He answered uncertainly.

"Get dressed and come down stairs." And that was it. His mother suspected nothing. He'd gotten away with his first lie.


"Have a good day, honey!" His mother waved at him through the car window as she pulled away.

Aw, isn't she just tickled to see you.

Kyle looked over and met the eyes of his new teacher. "Good morning." He said as he passed her.

"Good morning, Kyle. Are we going to have a good day?"

We could do without that attitude and we might.

Kyle giggled and bobbed his head. "Yes, Ma'am." He took his seat at the front of the room, setting his bag and his lunch box down in his cubbie hole. Behind him he could hear whispering, but when he turned the other children turned away from him, and he could see them scrunching their noses at each other.

Petty. Baal scoffed. He rested a hand on his head. Relax, Ky. I'll talk to you.

But what about playing? He thought to him. Tears threatened him at the loneliness. 

Who needs them, do you want friends that laugh at you when you're not looking?


Later, Mrs. Jackson dismissed them for recess, and outside Alison and the three girls surrounded him at the sandbox. "My Daddy is going to sue you." She sighed, stamping her foot, and overly cradling her stitched hand. "You're in big trouble."

"Okay." Kyle said, dismissing her taunts.

Mommy said to apologize.

"I'm sorry." She scoffed.

"Sorry you're in trouble."

"Yep." Fury heated her puffy face.

"I'll tell that you're being mean."

Tattle tale.

"Tattle Tale." Kyle repeated.

"Mrs. Jackson!" Tears burst from Alison's eyes. "Kyle is being mean!" Everyone turned, staring him down. Mrs. Jackson came running over and Alison collapsed into her arms, a mess of sobbing and hiccups. 

This whore is a good actor. Baal clicked his tongue. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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