My Story

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So, since Kissa asked if I could tell my story since they were confused and wanted to know my story so..... Yeah...

Here's my transition story!

Ever since I was little, for as long as I can remember, I always idled boys. But not in a romantic way. I always said "I wish I was a boy" around my parents and they would always ask why; I respond, "So I can be free and cool!" I also remember playing with my older cousin, and we were both boys. We would take off our shirts and lay around. //remember, we were only 4-5 years old, so we didn't think anything inappropriate// One time my grandma walked in and yelled at us for having our shirts off. But when we told her we were being guys, she sent us to bed.
All throughout my life I felt there was something off or weird about me. I never fit in the the girls, and wasn't allowed to be on the boys team, since I was a biological girl. I always felt there was something wrong with me. So much so, that I over sexualized myself, hoping that the feeling would go away, but it never did.
About two years ago, when I was at my grandma's, she said something that led to us talking about gender. She brought up something about switching genders was equal to something that it wasn't //I don't remember what it was, but I know it wasn't the same thing// and I corrected her saying, "No, that's called transgender" As soon as I said that she yelled at me and told me to never say that again, because it was bad.
When I learned about what being transgender was, I idolized them the same way I did with boys when I was four. I always saw myself as an outsider trying to get in. A little under a year later, I learned about people who were non-binary and genderfluid. I never really thought much of it, so I just went on with life. One day in school, my friends and I were talking about boys and girls, and I said to Alexis, "yeah, Ima boy I godda big d*ck" kinda jokingly. From then on I always said that I referred to myself as a boy, but still using her/they pronouns, and still using Savi/Savanna as my name.
The day I realized I wanted to fully transition, and take it seriously, was when I went to the store. I was wearing my tail at the time.  //bcuz I'm a frikin furry// When my mom and I were walking out, I overheard a lady say to her coworker that I had a tail on. When we got to the car, the lady passed us and said "I like your tail! I said to my coworker that that little boy had a tail!" When she said that, I froze. My mom said thank you for me, thankfully. The rest of the day, I couldn't stop smiling.  When I got home, I did some serious thinking. After about a week of thinking, I asked Alexis, "What would you do/say if I came out as trans?" She was very supportive, and during lunch I told Jonna. Three days later, I told someone who I've known for a long time; Emily. I asked her the same question, and her and her sibling said they would be 100000000% supportive. After a couple more days of thinking, I came out to my friends. About half of my friends ignored me once they heard the news. One of them was Nevaeh, and I've known her since 4th grade. But then again, she new I liked girls as well before I came out as trans, which is why she unfriended me. My other friends, Gavin and Wyatt, are Christian and don't support it. When someone says "Hey, Andy!" He always yells at both of us, saying, "HER name is SAVANNA , not Andy!" Wyatt is a bit more understanding. He uses my name, but not really my pronouns. I mean, he does, but rarely. I came out October 3rd and have felt a lot more comfortable, now that I'm wearing boxers and being called Andy/Drew/Andrew and people using my pronouns.
Coming out to my parents...
That's a different story.
I added my friends to a group chat so I had support when coming out to my mom. I told her that I was pansexual, as we'll as transgender. //Pansexuality is kinda like being bisexual, except you find yourself attracted to anyone. For example, I like girls, guys, and non-binary folk, as well as people who are gender-fluid, bigender, transgender, so on. //
She acted sweet about it and thanked me for coming out, but it didn't last long.
One day, we were out clothes shopping. We went to the underwear section and I said, "I don't want to wear these" so she told me to pick out ones that I wanted but I kept telling her none of these, but the other kind. She didn't get it, but I finally told her. She gave me a cold glare and said, "those are for people with wieners." I kept protesting and begging for just one pair, but she never did get me any. It was pretty much the same: me dropping hints, her not getting them. It went on for a while.
Until January.
She got engaged.
Yes, I'm happy for her but that meant I had to wear a dress. I kept trying to throw hints at her, but she never got them. One night, I was going to tell her again, so I was talking to Kew the entire time, preparing myself for it.
Here's how it went:

Bold - Mom

italicized - me

-Can we talk? 

-Of course. What's up?

-Ya know how I said I didn't want to wear a dress?


-Well... it... makes me really uncomfortable... like REALLY REALLY uncomfortable

-I just wanted you, Zak, Tyler, and Taylor in the wedding. Two girls on the my side and two boys on Dave's side

-But why can't I be on the boys' side...?

-Because you're not a boy. You can wear shorts under it if that helps. Would that be better?

-No... I want to be on the boys' side because I AM a boy. I act like a boy, I walk like a boy, I dress like a boy... and when I'm old enough I'm saving money to get male implants

-Ok, I guess its time I address this. This is a safety issue. You are a girl. You were born a girl. I named you a girl's name. You can't introduce yourself as a boy. Andrew Wilson is not  a real person. If something happens to you and you tell people you are a boy named Andrew, we could never find you, its my job to keep you safe. I can't do that if you tell everyone you're a boy. I don't care if you like girls that's fine, you don't have to act like a boy to do anything you do.

-But mom, I'm not acting like a boy because I like girls, I'm acting like a boy because I AM one

-You're not. I've changed your diapers

And that was our conversation after that. I just didn't bother to reply to that because I know she wouldn't understand. She probably never will understand. She was raised in a religious household.

I am so lucky to have the friends that I do. They support me and I'm so grateful for that. 


Now I'm here today! Working my way through life //walkin fast..sry// It's... not a very happy one, but I'm not dead yet, so that's ok!

I hope you enjoyed my story and i hope you have a great day/night/whenever!

-Andy ;v;

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