Bear 1.

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A/N: Hello, I haven't received any requests, but I understand that I don't have a lot of people reading this, but I've had this idea in my head. I hope you guys enjoy. Please let me know how this is. If you like it, please let me know and I'll put the second part up to this one. Thank you!

I sighed for the billionth time. Why was this so difficult to figure out? My work usually didn't take that amount of time or energy. For weeks now I had been trying to figure out why the Ozess flower has immense healing properties when applied to the human body, but it's seeds are extremely poisonous. The reason why this issue has gotten me so frustrated is because I have my whole lab crew going at this too, and still not a single one of us can figure this out. The government have been hounding us for answers too, as the flower has already made breakthroughs in medical care. I took my glasses off and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Come in" I said after hearing a light wrapping on the office door. Sarah walked in and smiled at me "Sir, I think you should take a break, it's getting late and you haven't eaten a single thing. Allow me to take over for the rest of today while you take a moment to relax." I immediately shook my head "No way am I putting that pressure onto you Sarah, you're stressed enough as it is with your wedding planning, let alone work too."

She smiled at me, her eyes beginning twinkle. "It's become easier seeing as I hounded Eric into taking half of the responsibilities from me, he saw how drained I was starting to get with everything and he even pampered me last night by-" I held a hand up to stop her. "No thank you I don't need details involving what you did last night"  she smirked at me when I made a sound of disgust. "Ozias, I insist that you go and take a break, you have bags under your eyes so big that you'd have to pay for an extra baggage fee if you went to an airport" I smiled at her scolding and sighed.

"Fine, you win" I stood from my chair, I buttoned my suit blazer up and packed my things away after giving an update on the situation with Sarah. "Make sure to contact me if you have any questions or need my help" she nodded as she sat down at her desk, which was right outside my office. "Now go, I'm sure it'll be nice to go home and relax with Sydney" Just hearing his name made me ache with the need to see him and my bear growl with the need to see his mate. I nodded and bid her a goodbye.

I walked to the elevators and pressed the call button. As I waited I pulled my phone out. I looked at the time and I saw the gorgeous face of my boyfriend and mate, which made me smile. My background was of him, i woke early to the sound of clanging in the kitchen. When I went down there to see what was going on, my heart throbbed, he was dressed in one of my work shirts, which hung around his tiny frame. He looked flustered while trying to look for a spatula, he was covered in flour. I held my phone up and cleared my throat to get his attention. He whipped around to face me and I snapped a photo.

The elevator arrived and I stepped in, pressing the ground floor button. It was quite late so no one was occupying the lifts, which made it a quick descent to where I needed to go. I strolled out of the elevator and slid my ID badge through the scanner and out of the revolving doors. The crisp cold air blew gently across my face as I made my way to my car. I hadn't shifted in so long, just feeling the air blow through my hair made my bear push to get out and have some freedom but I pushed him back. I unlocked the door and slid into the seat, dumping my things on the passenger seat. I clicked my seatbelt into place and and started the engine and off I went, making my way home to my love, my mate.


I parked into the driveway swiftly, and cut off the engine. I gathered my things and got out. I looked up and caught a glance of the living room curtain moving back into place. Someone must be eager to see me. I unlocked the door and set my things down, shutting the door and dropping my keys into the bowl.

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