Nadir: The Valentine's Surprise

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  • Dedicated to All the Nadir readers

WARNING: This story will contain guy on guy action. IF that's not your thing, then please keep your thoughts to yourself and back away from the page. I love my babies and any kind of hate, even though they are fictional characters, will induce the rage. ^_^ 

Also! If you're reading Nadir, just know that this one-shot is set a year from when their book/story ends. Yup, you're getting a sneak peak at their future. And let's be honest, we all knew that they would be together at the end. I don't write stories without happy endings. :p

I believe that is all for my warnings. Now read and enjoy!

I walk across the campus of Oklahoma State University, cursing the winter weather and wishing I was home. No person should be away from their boyfriend on Valentine's Day.

It should be illegal.

But since it's not technically a 'real' holiday, I have school and can't make the four hour long drive to Wesley.

The year has been hard. Being away and only getting to see him through our Skype sessions and the sporadic trips home is slowly turning me into a bitter college freshman. I'm more worried about losing him than I am my grades.

Sad, but completely true.

A hard shove against my back has me stumbling on the icy ground and momentarily forgetting about being depressed. I turn, fists clamped tight and ready to attack, but when I see it's my roommate, I loosen up.

"Ollieber!" He shouts with happiness, his blue eyes sparkling with joy. "Marissa is driving up and we're having a special V-Day get together."

He wiggles his eyebrows and winks at me. I should be happy for Steven, but an overwhelming sense of jealousy swarms through my system. Marissa lives even further from OSU than Wesley does, and she's still in college.

So not fair!

"That's great man," I say with fake enthusiasm. "Want me to make myself scarce in the dorm tonight?"

Steven smiles brightly and the jealousy grows. "That'd be awesome. But, only if you don't mind."

I shake away the cold and his comment. Being a cock block isn't in my nature, so I smile at him. "Nah, it's cool, I can find something to do."

"Do you need the room first so you can 'visit' with Wes?"

His air-quotes on visit makes me laugh, pounding my hand against his back in a playful gesture. "That would be nice."

He nods and we start walking towards the building that holds the future love nest. The conversation moves fluidly from one topic to the next. Steven being the initiator for it all, as is his nature. I couldn't have asked for a better roomie than him.

He doesn't judge me. Not my sexual preference or the age gap of my relationship. He's even talked briefly with Wesley during one of our Skype visits. Not the naughty kind, just talking.

It's been too long since I have gotten to actually sit and talk to Wesley. I miss him so fucking much. I've even considered dropping out and moving back home. But both he and my mother are adamant that I finish school.

It even caused a fight between us. Worst week of my life. Well, besides losing Dylan. But it was up there. In the end I had to agree, even though the distance between us was killing me.

"...around eight." I hear Steven say beside me and I realize that I haven't paid a single bit of attention to a word he has said.

"What?" I ask as he opens the main door to the dorms.

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