Billioniare and His Maid

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Someone snapped a finger in front of her face and Deb realised she had spaced out again.

'i cant do this Griff' deb told her bestfriend. When she called Griff this morning and told him about the strip test he insisted on a blood test.'deb your spacing out again,i wonder why you are not happy about the baby' Griff said with concern in his voice.

Deb looked at him with tears in her eyes 'sweetheart dont start with the tears again'Griff said handing her a wipe.'i dont know where to start from.I want to keep the baby so bad but im scared,what if steve doesnt want a baby.fuck.we aint even just his fucking maid'tears were running down her cheeks again.'when he hears about it he definitely will fire me,how will i take care of the baby without a job'she sobbed into the wipe.

'Deb you just have to let him know,whatever happens after that'griff paused ' i've always got your back missus'Griff said smilling Deb had no choice but to smile back at him. Griffin's smile always got to her,if he wasnt gay he definitely would be her boyfriend by now because they understood each other totally. 'i think i'll just get back to my job'Deb said getting up from the chair.After the appoinment at the doctors they stopped by a coffee restaurant to talk.Deb reached into her purse to pay but Griff stopped her,she looked up at him with a confused look on her face'this one on me bestest'he said with a smile'all the excitement of today has gotten to so looking forward to playing uncle'.Deb laughed for the first time today.


Deb's Pov

Deb released the breath she didnt know she was holding when she got home and didnt see Steve. Steve is her billioniare boss and she is just his housekeeper. Deb has been working with him for 2years . What started as a crush when she just started working for him turned into a very surprisingly heart wrenching love. She heard a key in the lock and her heart sunk again. She knew she had to tell him but she didnt want to be rejected. Her heart was racing badly she thought he would hear it if he came close.

Should i tell him now? What if he rejects me? She had a lot of questions without answers. She felt someone lightly tap her shoulder and when she looked up she found herself staring into the grey eyes that she could never get tired of 'so...soo...sorry' she stuttered,staring at the floor.

Steve looked at Deb and saw the shadows below her eyes 'Deb are you okay?'

'yes,why did you ask?'she replied still staring at the floor. 'Deb look at me'Steve said using his finger to tip her chin up'whats wrong?'.Deb looked away again,she didnt want to look him in the eyes when she told him what she had to tell him because she was afraid of what his reaction was going to be.'ermm...we have to talk Steve...ermm..i went to get a test done today and im pregnant'she rushed it out .

I know this is short but i just wanted you guys to have something. I promise to update soon.


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